Formula(formula) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Formula ChineseLanguage "一个句法结构良好、以SUO-KIF知识表示语言的公式。") | chinese_format.kif 1682-1682 | |
(documentation Formula EnglishLanguage "A syntactically well_formed formula in the SUO_KIF knowledge representation language.") | Merge.kif 1548-1549 | |
(documentation Formula JapaneseLanguage "SUO-KIF知識表現言語の構文的な完全論理式。") | japanese_format.kif 274-274 | |
(documentation Formula SpanishLanguage "Una fórmula bien formada sintácticamente en el SUO-KIF, un lenguaje de representación de conocimiento.") | spanish_format.kif 323-324 | |
(subclass Formula Sentence) | Merge.kif 1546-1546 | Formula is a subclass of sentence |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(range PremisesFn Formula) | Merge.kif 16957-16957 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Formula "公式") | chinese_format.kif 847-847 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Formula "formula") | english_format.kif 896-896 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Formula "formule") | french_format.kif 523-523 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
(termFormat Hindi Formula "sUtra") | terms-hindi.txt 54-54 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Formula "Formula") | terms-it.txt 57-57 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Formula "公式") | japanese_format.kif 2208-2208 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Formula "Formula") | portuguese_format.kif 475-475 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
(termFormat cz Formula "formula") | terms-cz.txt 90-90 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
(termFormat ro Formula "formulã") | relations-ro.kif 544-544 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
(termFormat tg Formula "pormula") | terms-tg.txt 58-58 | The range of premises is an instance of formula |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain KappaFn 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 5578-5578 | The number 2 argument of kappa is an instance of formula |
(domain ProbabilityFn 1 Formula) | Merge.kif 2573-2573 | The number 1 argument of probability is an instance of formula |
(domain attitudeForFormula 3 Formula) | emotion.kif 2125-2125 | The number 3 argument of attitude for formula is an instance of formula |
(domain believes 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 2811-2811 | The number 2 argument of believes is an instance of formula |
(domain causesProposition 1 Formula) | Merge.kif 3823-3823 | The number 1 argument of causes proposition is an instance of formula |
(domain causesProposition 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 3824-3824 | The number 2 argument of causes proposition is an instance of formula |
(domain conditionalProbability 1 Formula) | Merge.kif 2583-2583 | The number 1 argument of conditional probability is an instance of formula |
(domain conditionalProbability 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 2584-2584 | The number 2 argument of conditional probability is an instance of formula |
(domain confersNorm 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 3993-3993 | The number 2 argument of confers norm is an instance of formula |
(domain confersObligation 1 Formula) | Merge.kif 17531-17531 | The number 1 argument of confers obligation is an instance of formula |
(domain confersRight 1 Formula) | Merge.kif 17510-17510 | The number 1 argument of confers right is an instance of formula |
(domain considers 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 2801-2801 | The number 2 argument of considers is an instance of formula |
(domain containsFormula 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 1367-1367 | The number 2 argument of contains formula is an instance of formula |
(domain decreasesLikelihood 1 Formula) | Merge.kif 2616-2616 | The number 1 argument of decreases likelihood is an instance of formula |
(domain decreasesLikelihood 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 2617-2617 | The number 2 argument of decreases likelihood is an instance of formula |
(domain deprivesNorm 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 4015-4015 | The number 2 argument of deprives norm is an instance of formula |
(domain describes 1 Formula) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 16397-16397 | The number 1 argument of describes is an instance of formula |
(domain desires 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 2789-2789 | The number 2 argument of desires is an instance of formula |
(domain disapproves 2 Formula) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 7659-7659 | The number 2 argument of disapproves is an instance of formula |
(domain doubts 2 Formula) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 7629-7629 | The number 2 argument of doubts is an instance of formula |
(domain entails 1 Formula) | Merge.kif 769-769 | The number 1 argument of entails is an instance of formula |
(domain entails 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 770-770 | The number 2 argument of entails is an instance of formula |
(domain expects 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 10634-10634 | The number 2 argument of expects is an instance of formula |
(domain hasPurpose 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 3947-3947 | The number 2 argument of has purpose is an instance of formula |
(domain hasPurposeForAgent 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 3963-3963 | The number 2 argument of has purpose for agent is an instance of formula |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 | ||
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |
antecedent |
consequent |