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Sigma KEE - Entity
Entity(entity)Jim_Crow, Moloch, actuality, adversative_conjunction, aftermath, aim, albatross, allocation, allotment, allowance, antecedent, antitype, apology, appearance, articulation, assets, bag, balance, bamboo_curtain, barrier, base, be, beginning, being, beingness, bind, bit, bourn, bourne, brace, brainchild, breed, business, case, case_in_point, circumstances, clew, clue, cogent_evidence, color_bar, color_line, colour_bar, colour_line, complementarity, component, component_part, concentrate, consequence, constituent, contour...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Entity EnglishLanguage "The universal class of individuals. This is the root node of the ontology.") Merge.kif 816-817
(documentation Entity JapaneseLanguage "個々の普遍集合。 これがオントロジーのノードのルートで ある。") japanese_format.kif 118-119
(documentation Entity SpanishLanguage "La clase universal de individuos. Es el nodo principal de la ontología.") spanish_format.kif 137-138
(partition Entity Physical Abstract) Merge.kif 815-815 Entity is exhaustively partitioned into physical and abstract

appearance as argument number 2

(range AssignmentFn Entity) Merge.kif 787-787 The range of assignment is an instance of entity
(range FirstFn Entity) Merge.kif 3228-3228 The range of first is an instance of entity
(range LastFn Entity) Merge.kif 3208-3208 The range of last is an instance of entity
(range ListOrderFn Entity) Merge.kif 2980-2980 The range of list order is an instance of entity
(range ShortageFn Entity) Geography.kif 2876-2876 The range of shortage is an instance of entity
(subclass Abstract Entity) Merge.kif 1668-1668 Abstract is a subclass of entity
(subclass Physical Entity) Merge.kif 831-831 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Entity "实体") chinese_format.kif 813-813 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Entity "entity") english_format.kif 828-828 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Entity "entit�") french_format.kif 489-489 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat Hindi Entity "astitva") terms-hindi.txt 23-23 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Entity "Entit�") terms-it.txt 25-25 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Entity "エンティティー") japanese_format.kif 2174-2174 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Entity "Entidade") portuguese_format.kif 441-441 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat cb Entity "bisag unsa") terms-cb.txt 26-26 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat cz Entity "entita") terms-cz.txt 56-56 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat ro Entity "entitate") relations-ro.kif 510-510 Physical is a subclass of entity
(termFormat tg Entity "kahit ano") terms-tg.txt 26-26 Physical is a subclass of entity

appearance as argument number 3

(domain AssignmentFn 2 Entity) Merge.kif 786-786 The number 2 argument of assignment is an instance of entity
(domain ListFn 1 Entity) Merge.kif 2934-2934 The number 1 argument of list is an instance of entity
(domain abbreviation 2 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 27530-27530 The number 2 argument of abbreviation is an instance of entity
(domain accessibleFromMenu 1 Entity) ComputerInput.kif 852-852 The number 1 argument of accessible from menu is an instance of entity
(domain accessibleFromMenuItem 1 Entity) ComputerInput.kif 1138-1138 The number 1 argument of accessible from menu item is an instance of entity
(domain acronym 2 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 27541-27541 The number 2 argument of acronym is an instance of entity
(domain buys 3 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30250-30250 The number 3 argument of buys is an instance of entity
(domain codeMapping 3 Entity) Media.kif 2266-2266 The number 3 argument of code mapping is an instance of entity
(domain comment 1 Entity) Merge.kif 18451-18451 The number 1 argument of comment is an instance of entity
(domain confersNorm 1 Entity) Merge.kif 3992-3992 The number 1 argument of confers norm is an instance of entity
(domain confersObligation 2 Entity) Merge.kif 17532-17532 The number 2 argument of confers obligation is an instance of entity
(domain confersRight 2 Entity) Merge.kif 17511-17511 The number 2 argument of confers right is an instance of entity
(domain contestEntry 1 Entity) Music.kif 1080-1080 The number 1 argument of contest entry is an instance of entity
(domain conventionalLongName 2 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 27513-27513 The number 2 argument of conventional long name is an instance of entity
(domain conventionalShortName 2 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 27525-27525 The number 2 argument of conventional short name is an instance of entity
(domain creator 2 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 13964-13964 The number 2 argument of creator is an instance of entity
(domain crossFunctionalTeamFocus 1 Entity) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2655-2655 The number 1 argument of BinaryPredicate is an instance of entity
(domain deprivesNorm 1 Entity) Merge.kif 4014-4014 The number 1 argument of deprives norm is an instance of entity
(domain destination 2 Entity) Merge.kif 2445-2445 The number 2 argument of destination is an instance of entity
(domain documentation 1 Entity) Merge.kif 368-368 The number 1 argument of documentation is an instance of entity
(domain element 1 Entity) Merge.kif 5409-5409 The number 1 argument of element is an instance of entity
(domain externalImage 1 Entity) Merge.kif 676-676 The number 1 argument of external image is an instance of entity
(domain format 2 Entity) Merge.kif 380-380 The number 2 argument of format is an instance of entity
(domain fullName 2 Entity) Media.kif 3271-3271 The number 2 argument of full name is an instance of entity
(domain fullNameIndexOrder 2 Entity) Media.kif 3285-3285 The number 2 argument of full name index order is an instance of entity

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


    (businessUnit ?BU ?ORG)
    (exists (?INTEREST)
            (instance ?INTEREST Entity)
            (inScopeOfInterest ?BU ?INTEREST))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2572-2577
    (instance ?CLASS Class)
    (subclass ?CLASS Entity))
Merge.kif 827-829
    (instance ?TEAM CrossFunctionalTeam)
    (exists (?INTEREST)
            (instance ?INTEREST Entity)
            (forall (?MEMBER)
                        (instance ?MEMBER Human)
                        (member ?MEMBER ?TEAM))
                    (inScopeOfInterest ?MEMBER ?INTEREST))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2618-2628