CognitiveAgent(cognitive agent) | Adonis, Aeolian, Aesculapius, Aether, Agdistis, Ahriman, Alcides, Andvari, Antichrist, Antum, Anunnaki, Argus, Ariadne, Asclepius, Asklepios, Asterope, Atlas, Avalokiteshvara, Avalokitesvara, Babar, Balarama, Beelzebub, Brer_Rabbit, Brunhild, Brunnhilde, Brynhild, Bunyan, Cadmus, Calliope, Calypso, Chandi, Charon, Circe, Clio, Cocus, Cora, Crius, Cyclops, Damon_and_Pythias, Despoina, Devil, Dido, Doris, Enuki, Epimetheus, Erato, Euryale, Eurydice, Euterpe, Gorgon... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation CognitiveAgent ChineseLanguage " CognitiveAgent 是一个能够思考、深思熟虑、计划 和体会感情的 Agent。虽然 Human 是 CognitiveAgent 的子类别,也可以出现非 Human 而却是 CognitiveAgent 的实例。例如:Primate、海豚、鲸鱼和外星人(如果它们存在的话)可以算是 CognitiveAgent。") | chinese_format.kif 1689-1692 | |
(documentation CognitiveAgent EnglishLanguage "A CognitiveAgent is an AutonomousAgent that has the ability to reason, deliberate, make plans, and experience emotions. Although Human is a subclass of CognitiveAgent, there may be instances of CognitiveAgent which are not also instances of Human. For example, Primates, dolphins, whales, and some extraterrestrials (if they exist) might be considered CognitiveAgents.") | Merge.kif 1577-1583 | |
(documentation CognitiveAgent JapaneseLanguage "CognitiveAgent は、Agent で、論証したり、 熟考したり、計画を立てたり、感情を体験するする能力がある。 Human は CognitiveAgent のサブク ラスだが、Human のインスタンスでもある CognitiveAgent のインスタンスの可能性がある。 例えば、 Primate、イルカ、クジラ、および一部の地球外物(存在する場合)は CognitiveAgent と見なされるか もしれない。") | japanese_format.kif 282-286 | |
(subclass CognitiveAgent SentientAgent) | Merge.kif 1575-1575 | Cognitive agent is a subclass of sentient agent |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain MusicalInterpretationFn 1 CognitiveAgent) | Music.kif 845-845 | The number 1 argument of musical interpretation is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain RemixFn 2 CognitiveAgent) | Music.kif 886-886 | The number 2 argument of remix function is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain accountHolder 2 CognitiveAgent) | FinancialOntology.kif 250-250 | The number 2 argument of account holder is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain administrator 2 CognitiveAgent) | FinancialOntology.kif 4015-4015 | The number 2 argument of administrator is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain agreementClause 4 CognitiveAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 14320-14320 | The number 4 argument of agreement clause is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain albumArtist 2 CognitiveAgent) | Music.kif 278-278 | The number 2 argument of album artist is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain allegiance 1 CognitiveAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 24479-24479 | The number 1 argument of allegiance is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain allegiance 2 CognitiveAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 24480-24480 | The number 2 argument of allegiance is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain approves 1 CognitiveAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 27246-27246 | The number 1 argument of approves is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain approves 2 CognitiveAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 27247-27247 | The number 2 argument of approves is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain believes 1 CognitiveAgent) | Merge.kif 2810-2810 | The number 1 argument of believes is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain borrower 2 CognitiveAgent) | FinancialOntology.kif 1301-1301 | The number 2 argument of borrower is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain buys 1 CognitiveAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 30248-30248 | The number 1 argument of buys is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain checkOutTime 1 CognitiveAgent) | Hotel.kif 681-681 | The number 1 argument of check_out time is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain composer 1 CognitiveAgent) | Music.kif 145-145 | The number 1 argument of composer is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain confersObligation 3 CognitiveAgent) | Merge.kif 17533-17533 | The number 3 argument of confers obligation is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain confersRight 3 CognitiveAgent) | Merge.kif 17512-17512 | The number 3 argument of confers right is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain considers 1 CognitiveAgent) | Merge.kif 2800-2800 | The number 1 argument of considers is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain contestEntry 2 CognitiveAgent) | Music.kif 1081-1081 | The number 2 argument of contest entry is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain contestOrganizer 2 CognitiveAgent) | Music.kif 1064-1064 | The number 2 argument of contest organizer is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain contestParticipantRepresentation 2 CognitiveAgent) | Music.kif 1106-1106 | The number 2 argument of contest representation is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain creditRanking 1 CognitiveAgent) | FinancialOntology.kif 2502-2502 | The number 1 argument of credit ranking is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain customer 1 CognitiveAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 7938-7938 | The number 1 argument of customer is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain customerRepresentative 1 CognitiveAgent) | FinancialOntology.kif 3628-3628 | The number 1 argument of customer representative is an instance of cognitive agent |
(domain customerRepresentative 2 CognitiveAgent) | FinancialOntology.kif 3629-3629 | The number 2 argument of customer representative is an instance of cognitive agent |
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antecedent |
consequent |