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C* C*
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BusinessToBusiness (business to business transaction) boilingPoint (boiling point)
BusinessToConsumer (business to consumer transaction) bondRating (bond rating)
Bust (bust) borrower (borrower)
Butte (butte) bottom (bottom)
Butter (butter) brandIcon (brand icon)
ButterFat (butter fat) breathingRate (breathingRate)
Butterfly (butterfly) broker (broker)
ButterflySpread (butterfly spread) brother (brother)
Buttermilk (buttermilk) browserID (browser identifier string)
ButternutSquash (butternut squash) burialplace (burialplace)
Button (button) burnInPeriod (burn_in period)
Buying (buying) businessHours (business hours)
BwindiforestUganda (bwindiforest uganda) businessUnit (business unit)
Byte (byte) buyingPowerAmount (buying power amount)
ByteDance (ByteDance) buys (buys)
C* c*
C1C2C3C4 (C1, C2, C3/C4 Nerve) caliber (caliber)
C1C2C3C4Nerve (C1C2C3C4Nerve) callDate (call date)
C1Nerve (C1 Nerve) canRunOn (can run on)
C1VertebraBone (C1 vertebra bone) candidateForPosition (candidate for position)
C1ViaHypoglossalNerve (C1 via hypoglossal nerve) canonicalPlaceName (canonical place name)
C2C3C4C5C6Nerve (C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 Nerve) capability (capability)
C2C6 (C2C6) capabilityDuring (capable during)
C2VertebraBone (C2 vertebra bone) capableAtLocation (capable at location)
C3C4 (C3, C4) capacity (capacity)
C3C6 (C3C6) capacityByArrangement (capacity by arrangement)
C3VertebraBone (C3 vertebra bone) capitalCity (capital city)
C4VertebraBone (C4 vertebra bone) capitalExpendituresOfArea (capital expenditures of area)
C5C6Nerve (C5, C6 Nerve) capitalExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod (capital expenditures of area in period)
C5VertebraBone (C5 vertebra bone) cardAccount (card account)
C6VertebraBone (C6 vertebra bone) cardCode (card code)
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