(instance ?ATTR PhysicalState)
(attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR))
(instance ?OBJ Substance)) |
Merge.kif 17661-17665 |
(instance ?C Curdling)
(patient ?C ?X)
(instance ?X Colloid))
(exists (?S ?A)
(instance ?S Separating)
(subProcess ?S ?C)
(patient ?S ?X)
(result ?S ?A)
(piece ?A ?X)
(instance ?A Substance)))) |
Food.kif 3199-3211 |
(instance ?LD LiquidDrop)
(surface ?S ?LD))
(exists (?SS ?LL)
(instance ?LL Substance)
(attribute ?LL Liquid)
(equal ?LD ?LL))
(surface ?SS ?LL)
(meetsSpatially ?S ?SS))) Unlikely)) |
Geography.kif 7472-7484 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG PipelineTransportation))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?P)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?P Human)
(patient ?EV ?P)
(exists (?T ?V ?OBJ ?PIPE)
(instance ?T Transportation)
(possesses ?P ?OBJ)
(patient ?T ?OBJ)
(instance ?OBJ Substance)
(possesses ?ORG ?V)
(instrument ?T ?PIPE)
(instance ?PIPE Pipeline))) ?MEM ?P)))))) |
naics.kif 8465-8488 |
(instance ?X Substance)
(attribute ?X Insoluble))
(exists (?Y ?Z)
(instance ?Y Substance)
(instance ?Z Solution)
(piece ?X ?Z)
(piece ?Y ?Z))) Possibility))) |
Geography.kif 7355-7367 |
(instance ?X Substance)
(attribute ?X Soluble))
(exists (?Y ?Z)
(instance ?Y Substance)
(instance ?Z Solution)
(piece ?X ?Z)
(piece ?Y ?Z))) Possibility)) |
Geography.kif 7327-7338 |
(instance ?C Colander)
(hasPurpose ?C
(exists (?MIX ?SUB ?SOLID ?REMOVE)
(instance ?MIX Mixture)
(instance ?SUB Substance)
(part ?SUB ?MIX)
(attribute ?SUB Liquid)
(instance ?REMOVE Removing)
(patient ?REMOVE ?SUB)
(instance ?SOLID Substance)
(part ?SOLID ?MIX)
(attribute ?SOLID Solid)
(result ?REMOVE ?SOLID)
(instrument ?REMOVE ?C))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4565-4580 |
(instance ?DETERGENT Detergent)
(hasPurpose ?DETERGENT
(instance ?REMOVE Removing)
(instance ?SUBSTANCE Substance)
(surface ?SURFACE ?OBJECT))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9066-9075 |
(instance ?H Hydrometer)
(hasPurpose ?H
(exists (?M ?S)
(instance ?M Measuring)
(instance ?S Substance)
(attribute ?S Liquid)
(patient ?M ?S)
(instrument ?M ?H))))) |
Cars.kif 3110-3119 |
(instance ?I Inflating)
(exists (?G1 ?G2 ?V1 ?V2 ?S ?U)
(instance ?G1 ?S)
(instance ?G2 ?S)
(instance ?S Substance)
(attribute ?G1 Gas)
(attribute ?G2 Gas)
(instance ?U UnitOfVolume)
(WhenFn ?I))
(measure ?G1
(MeasureFn ?V1 ?U)))
(WhenFn ?I))
(measure ?G2
(MeasureFn ?V2 ?U)))
(greaterThan ?V2 ?V1)))) |
Cars.kif 3667-3683 |
- If a physical is an instance of inflating,
- then there exist an object, another object,, , a real number,, , another real number,, , a class and an entity such that the object is an instance of the class and the other object is an instance of the class and the class is an instance of substance and gas is an attribute of the object and gas is an attribute of the other object and the entity is an instance of unit of volume and the measure of the object is the real number the entity(s) holds during immediately before the time of existence of the physical and the measure of the other object is the other real number the entity(s) holds during immediately after the time of existence of the physical and the other real number is greater than the real number
(instance ?OBJ CorpuscularObject)
(subclass ?SUBSTANCE1 Substance)
(subclass ?SUBSTANCE2 Substance)
(material ?SUBSTANCE1 ?OBJ)
(material ?SUBSTANCE2 ?OBJ)
(equal ?SUBSTANCE1 ?SUBSTANCE2))))) |
Merge.kif 1230-1238 |
(instance ?PD PaintingDevice)
(hasPurpose ?PD
(exists (?STUFF ?COVER ?SURF ?OBJ)
(instance ?STUFF Substance)
(instance ?COVER Covering)
(instance ?OBJ Object)
(surface ?SURF ?OBJ)
(agent ?COVER ?PD)
(instrument ?COVER ?STUFF)
(patient ?COVER ?SURF))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3255-3266 |
(instance ?POUR Pouring)
(origin ?POUR ?CONTAINER1)
(destination ?POUR ?CONTAINER2)
(instance ?CONTAINER1 Container)
(instance ?CONTAINER2 Container)
(patient ?POUR ?LIQUID)
(attribute ?LIQUID Liquid)
(instance ?LIQUID Substance)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17828-17839 |
(instance ?PW PurifiedWater)
(exists (?R ?W ?S)
(instance ?R Removing)
(origin ?R ?W)
(instance ?W Water)
(patient ?R ?S)
(instance ?S Substance)
(part ?S ?W)
(result ?R ?PW)))) |
Food.kif 248-258 |
(instance ?PW PurifiedWater)
(exists (?S)
(part ?S ?PW)
(instance ?S Substance))))) |
Food.kif 260-266 |
(instance ?S Sauce)
(exists (?X)
(instance ?X Substance)
(part ?X ?S)
(attribute ?X Liquid)))) |
Food.kif 2068-2074 |
(instance ?S Sieve)
(hasPurpose ?S
(exists (?REMOVE ?MIX ?SUB ?HOLE ?A)
(instance ?REMOVE Removing)
(instance ?MIX Mixture)
(instance ?SUB Substance)
(part ?SUB ?MIX)
(patient ?REMOVE ?SUB)
(part ?HOLE ?S)
(instrument ?REMOVE ?HOLE)
(instance ?A Human)
(agent ?REMOVE ?A)
(desires ?A ?SUB)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4523-4538 |
(instance ?S Spark)
(exists (?E ?G)
(instance ?E Electricity)
(patient ?S ?E)
(instance ?G Substance)
(attribute ?G Gas)
(eventLocated ?S ?G)))) |
Cars.kif 424-432 |
(instance ?S Strainer)
(hasPurpose ?S
(instance ?MIX Mixture)
(instance ?SUB Substance)
(instance ?LIQUID Substance)
(part ?SUB ?MIX)
(attribute ?SUB Solid)
(instance ?REMOVE Removing)
(part ?LIQUID ?MIX)
(attribute ?LIQUID Liquid)
(patient ?REMOVE ?SUB)
(result ?REMOVE ?LIQUID)
(instrument ?REMOVE ?S))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4544-4559 |
(instance ?STEM PlantStem)
(hasPurpose ?STEM
(exists (?TRAN ?ROOT ?SUB)
(instance ?TRAN Transfer)
(instrument ?TRAN ?STEM)
(instance ?ROOT PlantRoot)
(origin ?TRAN ?ROOT)
(instance ?SUB Substance)
(attribute ?SUB Fluid)
(objectTransferred ?TRAN ?SUB))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9764-9775 |
(instance ?SUBSTANCE SyntheticSubstance)
(exists (?PROCESS)
(instance ?PROCESS IntentionalProcess)
(instance ?SUBSTANCE Substance)))) |
Merge.kif 1071-1077 |
(instance ?WEAVE Weaving)
(hasPurpose ?WEAVE
(exists (?SUB ?WARP ?WEFT ?OBJ)
(instance ?SUB Substance)
(attribute ?SUB Pliable)
(patient ?WEAVE ?SUB)
(part ?WARP ?SUB)
(part ?WEFT ?SUB)
(equal ?WARP ?WEFT))
(orientation ?WARP ?WEFT RightAngle)
(result ?WEAVE ?OBJ)
(instance ?OBJ Artifact))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4621-4635 |
(instance ?X ChemicalAttack)
(exists (?CHEM)
(instance ?CHEM Substance)
(instrument ?X ?CHEM)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22168-22173 |
(instance ?X Emulsion)
(exists (?L1 ?L2)
(instance ?L1 Substance)
(instance ?L2 Substance)
(attribute ?L1 Liquid)
(attribute ?L2 Liquid)
(equal ?L1 ?L2))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21865-21874 |