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Sigma KEE - PhysicalQuantity
PhysicalQuantity(physical quantity)N, acid_value, breakage, chlorinity, definite_quantity, frontage, haematocytopenia, half-intensity, heat_barrier, hematocytopenia, indefinite_quantity, limit, limit_point, normality, output, point_of_accumulation, precipitation, production, pulmonary_reserve, radius_of_curvature, relative_quantity, reserve, run, scalar, scale_value, skinful, thermal_barrier, top-up, toxicity, vote, voter_turnout, yield

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PhysicalQuantity ChineseLanguage "PhysicalQuantity是一种用来衡量建模世界上的 一些可以量度的部分,例如:「地球的直径」(长度固定)和「装满了可变形的固体的应力」(应力的衡量,它是一个有 三个空间坐标的函数)。 PhysicalQuantity 要不是 ConstantQuantity,就是 FunctionQuantityConstantQuantity 的实例需要有一个 UnitOfMeasure,而 FunctionQuantity 的实例是要靠一个 Function, 它把 ConstantQuantity 的实例和其它 ConstantQuantity 的实例联系在一起(举例说, TimeDependentQuantity 属于 FunctionQuantity)。 PhysicalQuantity 这个名字和定义是借用物 理理论,但是 PhysicalQuantity 不一定是指物质上的。 除了长度、时间和速度等这些尺度以外,非物理尺寸如 货币也是可行的。因此,金钱会是 PhysicalQuantity 的实例。 PhysicalQuantity 和纯 Number 的区别在于前者附有一个衡量的尺度。") chinese_format.kif 1759-1767
(documentation PhysicalQuantity EnglishLanguage "A PhysicalQuantity is a measure of some quantifiable aspect of the modeled world, such as 'the earth's diameter' (a constant length) and 'the stress in a loaded deformable solid' (a measure of stress, which is a function of three spatial coordinates). Every PhysicalQuantity is either a ConstantQuantity or FunctionQuantity. Instances of ConstantQuantity are dependent on a UnitOfMeasure, while instances of FunctionQuantity are Functions that map instances of ConstantQuantity to other instances of ConstantQuantity (e.g., a TimeDependentQuantity is a FunctionQuantity). Although the name and definition of PhysicalQuantity is borrowed from physics, a PhysicalQuantity need not be material. Aside from the dimensions of length, time, velocity, etc., nonphysical dimensions such as currency are also possible. Accordingly, amounts of money would be instances of PhysicalQuantity. A PhysicalQuantity is distinguished from a pure Number by the fact that the former is associated with a dimension of measurement.") Merge.kif 2028-2043
(documentation PhysicalQuantity JapaneseLanguage "PhysicalQuantity は、「地球の直径」 (一定の長さ)や、「荷を積んだ変形可能なソリッドの応力」(3つの空間座標の関数であるストレスの尺度) の ように、モデル化された世界の定量化可能な側面の尺度である。 すべての PhysicalQuantityConstantQuantity または FunctionQuantity のいずれかです。 ConstantQuantity のインスタン スは UOM に依存し、それに対し、FunctionQuantity のインスタンスは、ConstantQuantity のイン スタンスを ConstantQuantity の他のインスタンスにマップする Functions である。(例: TimeDependentQuantityFunctionQuantityQ である)。 PhysicalQuantity の名前と定義は 物理学から借りているが、PhysicalQuantity は材料である必要はない。 長さ、時間、速度などの寸法の ほかに、通貨などの非物理的な寸法も可能である。 それに応じて、金額は、PhysicalQuantity のインス タンスになる。 PhysicalQuantity は、前者が寸法測定に関連付けられているという事実によって純粋 な Number と区別される。") japanese_format.kif 368-378
(partition PhysicalQuantity ConstantQuantity FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 2026-2026 Physical quantity is exhaustively partitioned into constant quantity and function quantity
(subclass PhysicalQuantity Quantity) Merge.kif 2025-2025 Physical quantity is a subclass of quantity

appearance as argument number 2

(range MeasureFn PhysicalQuantity) Merge.kif 6351-6351 The range of measure is an instance of physical quantity
(subclass ConstantQuantity PhysicalQuantity) Merge.kif 2045-2045 Constant quantity is a subclass of physical quantity
(subclass FunctionQuantity PhysicalQuantity) Merge.kif 2100-2100 Function quantity is a subclass of physical quantity
(subclass PerformanceMeasure PhysicalQuantity) FinancialOntology.kif 1644-1644 Performance measure is a subclass of physical quantity
(subclass UnitOfMeasure PhysicalQuantity) Merge.kif 6199-6199 Unit of measure is a subclass of physical quantity
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PhysicalQuantity "物理量") chinese_format.kif 875-875
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PhysicalQuantity "physical quantity") english_format.kif 952-952
(termFormat FrenchLanguage PhysicalQuantity "quantit� physique") french_format.kif 551-551
(termFormat Hindi PhysicalQuantity "bhOtika parimaaNa") terms-hindi.txt 81-81
(termFormat ItalianLanguage PhysicalQuantity "Quantit�Fisica") terms-it.txt 84-84
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage PhysicalQuantity "物理量") japanese_format.kif 2236-2236
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage PhysicalQuantity "Quantidade Fisica") portuguese_format.kif 503-503
(termFormat cz PhysicalQuantity "physical quantity") terms-cz.txt 118-118
(termFormat ro PhysicalQuantity "cantitate fizicã") relations-ro.kif 572-572
(termFormat tg PhysicalQuantity "dami ng materyal") terms-tg.txt 85-85

appearance as argument number 3

(domain PerFn 1 PhysicalQuantity) Merge.kif 6631-6631 The number 1 argument of per is an instance of physical quantity
(domain PerFn 2 PhysicalQuantity) Merge.kif 6632-6632 The number 2 argument of per is an instance of physical quantity
(domain UnitFn 1 PhysicalQuantity) Merge.kif 6612-6612 The number 1 argument of unit fn is an instance of physical quantity
(domain annualElectricityConsumption 2 PhysicalQuantity) Economy.kif 2105-2105 The number 2 argument of annual electricity consumption is an instance of physical quantity
(domain annualElectricityExport 2 PhysicalQuantity) Economy.kif 2149-2149 The number 2 argument of annual electricity export is an instance of physical quantity
(domain annualElectricityImport 2 PhysicalQuantity) Economy.kif 2195-2195 The number 2 argument of annual electricity import is an instance of physical quantity
(domain annualElectricityProduction 2 PhysicalQuantity) Economy.kif 1973-1973 The number 2 argument of annual electricity production is an instance of physical quantity
(domain barometricPressure 2 PhysicalQuantity) Merge.kif 7853-7853 The number 2 argument of barometric pressure is an instance of physical quantity
(domain carrierFrequency 2 PhysicalQuantity) ComputingBrands.kif 1549-1549 The number 2 argument of carrier frequency is an instance of physical quantity
(domain diastolicBloodPressure 2 PhysicalQuantity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10468-10468 The number 2 argument of diastolic blood pressure is an instance of physical quantity
(domain earthAltitude 2 PhysicalQuantity) Geography.kif 2779-2779 The number 2 argument of earth altitude is an instance of physical quantity
(domain electricityConsumptionInPeriod 2 PhysicalQuantity) Economy.kif 2095-2095 The number 2 argument of electricity consumption in period is an instance of physical quantity
(domain electricityExportInPeriod 2 PhysicalQuantity) Economy.kif 2138-2138 The number 2 argument of electricity export in period is an instance of physical quantity
(domain electricityImportInPeriod 2 PhysicalQuantity) Economy.kif 2183-2183 The number 2 argument of electricity import in period is an instance of physical quantity
(domain electricityProductionInPeriod 2 PhysicalQuantity) Economy.kif 1963-1963 The number 2 argument of electricity production in period is an instance of physical quantity
(domain fleetGrossRegisteredTonnage 2 PhysicalQuantity) Transportation.kif 986-986 The number 2 argument of fleet gross registered tonnage is an instance of physical quantity
(domain highAltitudeWindVelocity 2 PhysicalQuantity) Weather.kif 240-240 The number 2 argument of high altitude wind velocity is an instance of physical quantity
(domain imageResolution 2 PhysicalQuantity) QoSontology.kif 2001-2001 The number 2 argument of image resolution is an instance of physical quantity
(domain ingredientAmount 3 PhysicalQuantity) Food.kif 1658-1658 The number 3 argument of amount of ingredient is an instance of physical quantity
(domain lowAltitudeWindSpeed 2 PhysicalQuantity) Weather.kif 203-203 The number 2 argument of low altitude wind speed is an instance of physical quantity
(domain lowAltitudeWindVelocity 2 PhysicalQuantity) Weather.kif 191-191 The number 2 argument of low altitude wind velocity is an instance of physical quantity
(domain measure 2 PhysicalQuantity) Merge.kif 7504-7504 The number 2 argument of measure is an instance of physical quantity
(domain mediumAltitudeWindVelocity 2 PhysicalQuantity) Weather.kif 217-217 The number 2 argument of medium altitude wind velocity is an instance of physical quantity
(domain navigableForShippingTonnage 2 PhysicalQuantity) Transportation.kif 2663-2663 The number 2 argument of navigable for shipping tonnage is an instance of physical quantity
(domain resonantFrequency 2 PhysicalQuantity) Cars.kif 829-829 The number 2 argument of resonant frequency is an instance of physical quantity

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        (instance ?QUANT PhysicalQuantity)
        (instance ?UNIT UnitOfMeasure)
        (equal ?QUANT
            (MeasureFn ?NUMBER ?UNIT)))
        (UnitFn ?QUANT) ?UNIT))
Merge.kif 6621-6627
        (shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
        (instance ?N PhysicalQuantity))
    (desires ?A
        (exists (?B ?G)
                (instance ?B Buying)
                    (WhenFn ?B) ?T)
                (objectTransferred ?B ?G)
                (transactionAmount ?B ?C)
                (agent ?B ?A)
                (instance ?G ?O)
                (measure ?G ?N)
                (possesses ?A ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30997-31011
        (shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
        (instance ?N PhysicalQuantity))
    (desires ?A
        (exists (?G)
                (instance ?G ?O)
                (measure ?G ?N)
                (possesses ?A ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30936-30945
        (shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
        (instance ?N PhysicalQuantity))
        (exists (?B ?G)
                (instance ?B Buying)
                    (WhenFn ?B) ?T)
                (objectTransferred ?B ?G)
                (transactionAmount ?B ?C)
                (agent ?B ?A)
                (instance ?G ?O)
                (measure ?G ?N)
                (possesses ?A ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30964-30978


        (instance ?LIST MeasuringResultList)
        (inList ?R ?LIST))
    (instance ?R PhysicalQuantity))
Weather.kif 1767-1771
    (instance ?CHART Chart)
    (exists (?QUANTITY)
            (instance ?QUANTITY PhysicalQuantity)
            (refers ?CHART ?QUANTITY))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13271-13276
    (instance ?G Chart)
    (exists (?Q)
            (instance ?Q PhysicalQuantity)
            (refers ?G ?Q))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13300-13305

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