Interviewing(interviewing) | interview, question |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Interviewing EnglishLanguage "A FormalMeeting whose purpose is to acquire information from the interviewee that can be used in a media report.") | Mid-level-ontology.kif 16067-16068 | |
(externalImage Interviewing " 5/ 52/ Interview.jpg") | pictureList.kif 2481-2481 | |
(subclass Interviewing FormalMeeting) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 16066-16066 | Interviewing is a subclass of formal meeting |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Interviewing "面试") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 30769-30769 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Interviewing "面試") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 30768-30768 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Interviewing "interviewing") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 30767-30767 |