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Sigma KEE - IndoPortugueseLanguage

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(documentation IndoPortugueseLanguage EnglishLanguage "The IndoPortugueseLanguage is a PortugueseBasedCreoleLanguage of SriLanka. SIL code: IDB. ISO 639-2: cpp. Population: 30 to 2,250 in Sri Lanka (1971 Ian Smith), including 250 families in Batticaloa (1984 Ian Smith), but possibly only about 30 speakers left (1992 P. Baker). Population total all countries: 730 to 3,000. Region: Colombo, Kandy, Trincomalee, Galle, Batticaloa. Also spoken in Australia, India. Comments: Similar to Tamil in phonology and syntax. Varieties of creole Portuguese were also spoken in Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, China. See also Malaccan Creole Portuguese (Peninsular Malaysia), Macao Creole Portuguese (Macau, Hongkong), Ternateno (Maluku, Indonesia), Timor Pidgin (Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia). Everyone is fluent in Tamil. Older speakers are also bilingual in English, some younger ones in Sinhalese. The creole is used at home only. Most of the Burgher caste speak it at home. Many in the ethnic group may not know the creole well. Virtually no contact with Goa or Portugal since 1656. NT 1826-1852. Also spoken in: India. (Language name: INDO-PORTUGUESE.) Population: 700 monolingual speakers in Korlai (1977 Theban). Comments: Active use among Catholic citizens in Daman (1982 Jackson). Some communities in India have become extinct. SOV. NT 1826-1852.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 2649-2666
(instance IndoPortugueseLanguage PortugueseBasedCreoleLanguage) Languages.kif 2648-2648 IndoPortugueseLanguage ist ein fall von PortugueseBasedCreoleLanguage %n{nicht}

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage IndoPortugueseLanguage "indo葡萄牙语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 29725-29725
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage IndoPortugueseLanguage "indo葡萄牙語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 29724-29724
(termFormat EnglishLanguage IndoPortugueseLanguage "indo portuguese language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 29723-29723

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