Dune |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Dune EnglishLanguage "A dune is a landform composed of Wind - or Water -driven Sand. It typically takes the form of a mound, ridge, or Hill. Dunes are most common in Desert environments, where the lack of moisture hinders the growth of vegetation that would otherwise interfere with the development of dunes. However, sand deposits are not restricted to deserts, and dunes are also found along sea ShoreAreas, along SteamWaterAreas in semiarid climates, in areas of glacial outwash, and in other areas where poorly cemented sandstone bedrock disintegrates to produce an ample supply of loose sand. Dunes are generally defined as greater than 7 cm tall [from Wikipedia].") | Geography.kif 4387-4394 | |
(subclass Dune Hill) | Geography.kif 4385-4385 | Dune ist eine teilkategorie von Hill |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Dune "dune") | Geography.kif 4395-4395 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?D Dune) (height ?D (MeasureFn ?N Centimeter))) (greaterThan ?D 7.0)) |
Geography.kif 4401-4405 |
(=> (instance ?D Dune) (material Sand ?D)) |
Geography.kif 4397-4399 |