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Sigma KEE - BabaliaCreoleArabicLanguage

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(documentation BabaliaCreoleArabicLanguage EnglishLanguage "The BabaliaCreoleArabicLanguage is an ArabicBasedCreoleLanguage of Chad. SIL code: BBZ. ISO 639-2: crp. Population: 3,937 (1993 census). Region: West. Chari Baguirmi Prefecture, N'Djamena Subprefecture. North of Djermaya and between Karal and Tourba. Possibly also in the Bokoro Subprefecture around Ngoura. 23 villages. Alternate names: BABALIA, BUBALIA, BABALIYA. Comments: A creole developed from Chadian Arabic (90% of the vocabulary) and Berakou (10%, Decobert). The original language of the ethnic group was Berakou. Babalia shares structural similarities with Juba Arabic. There is a post-creole continuum from Chadian Arabic to the Bagirmian basilect. The ethnic group is called 'Babalia.' Muslim.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 1444-1454
(documentation BabaliaCreoleArabicLanguage EnglishLanguage "The NubiLanguage is an ArabicBasedCreoleLanguage of Uganda. SIL code: KCN. ISO 639-2: crp. Population: 14,739 in Uganda (1991 census). Population total both countries 25,000. Region: Bombo, 30 miles north of Kampala, Arua, and elsewhere in Uganda. Also spoken in Kenya. Alternate names: KINUBI, KI-NUBI. Comments: Descendants of Emin Pasha's troops. Formerly a soldier language, which split off from Sudanese Pidgin Arabic about 1900.There are conflicting reports of intelligibility with Sudanese Creole Arabic. 90% of the lexicon is from Arabic. Traders. Muslim. Also spoken in: Kenya (Language name: NUBI). Population: 10,000 in Kenya, including 3,000 to 6,000 in Kibera. Alternate names: KI-NUBI, KINUBI. Comments: Speakers use Swahili for out-group communication and Nubi for in-group communication, with a stable bilingualism. 30% can also use English. Non-Nubi wives of Nubi men are expected to learn Nubi. Investigation needed: intelligibility with Sudanese Creole Arabic. Grammar. Literacy rate in first language: Below 1%. Literacy rate in second language: Below 5%. Muslim.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 1457-1472
(documentation BabaliaCreoleArabicLanguage EnglishLanguage "The SudaneseCreoleArabicLanguage is an ArabicBasedCreoleLanguage of Sudan. SIL code: PGA. ISO 639-2: crp. Population: 20,000 first language and 44,000 second language speakers in Juba alone (1987 estimate). Region: Southern Sudan, in the towns and many villages all over Equatoria Region, and up into Bahr al Ghazal and Upper Nile regions. Refugees have gone to other countries. Alternate names: JUBA ARABIC, SOUTHERN SUDAN ARABIC, PIDGIN ARABIC. Comments: Difficult intelligibility with Nubi, Sudanese Arabic, or Modern Standard Arabic. Also used as the major language of communication among speakers of different languages in Equatoria, south of Wau and Malakal. Used in many church services as first or second language in Juba and a few other towns. Many school teachers use it at least part of the time. Most people in towns speak at least two languages, and it is common for them to speak Creole Arabic, English, and 1, 2, or 3 vernaculars. Creole Arabic is gaining at the expense of English and the vernaculars, although most people keep their vernaculars as first, or at least second language. Trade language. SVO, tonal. Muslim, Christian. Bible portions 1983-1985.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 1475-1490
(instance BabaliaCreoleArabicLanguage ArabicBasedCreoleLanguage) Languages.kif 1443-1443 BabaliaCreoleArabicLanguage ist ein fall von ArabicBasedCreoleLanguage %n{nicht}

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage BabaliaCreoleArabicLanguage "babalia克里奥尔语阿拉伯语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 9480-9480
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage BabaliaCreoleArabicLanguage "babalia克里奧爾語阿拉伯語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 9479-9479
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BabaliaCreoleArabicLanguage "babalia creole arabic language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 9478-9478

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