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Sigma KEE - StandardDeviationFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation StandardDeviationFn ChineseLanguage "这是一个 UnaryFunction,它计算出一个 List 内的数值的标准偏差。标准偏差量度 List 内数值的 偏差或弥散度,是该序列方差值的 SquareRootFn。") Weather.kif 1484-1485
(documentation StandardDeviationFn EnglishLanguage "It is a UnaryFunction to return the standard deviation of a List of numbers. Standard deviation measures the amount of variation or dispersion of the numbers in the list. It is the SquareRootFn of the variance of the list.") Weather.kif 1482-1483
(domain StandardDeviationFn 1 List) Weather.kif 1486-1486 O argumento numero 1 de StandardDeviationFn e' uma instancia de Lista
(instance StandardDeviationFn UnaryFunction) Weather.kif 1487-1487 StandardDeviationFn e' uma instancia de funcao Unaria
(range StandardDeviationFn Number) Weather.kif 1489-1489 O contra-dominio de StandardDeviationFn e' uma instancia de Numero

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage StandardDeviationFn "The StandardDeviationFn of %1") Weather.kif 1488-1488
(termFormat ChineseLanguage StandardDeviationFn "标准偏差") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27878-27878
(termFormat EnglishLanguage StandardDeviationFn "standard deviation") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27877-27877


    (equal ?SD
        (StandardDeviationFn ?L))
    (equal ?SD
            (VarianceFn ?L))))
Weather.kif 1491-1496 Numero Real e' igual a StandardDeviationFn Lista Numero Real e' igual a a raiz quadrada de VarianceFn Lista


        (instance ?WW WaterWave)
        (waveHeight ?WW ?WH))
    (exists (?LIST ?WA ?U ?SWH)
            (inList ?WH ?LIST)
            (instance ?WA WaterArea)
            (eventLocated ?WW ?WA)
            (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
            (significantWaveHeight ?WA
                (WhenFn ?WW)
                (MeasureFn ?SWH ?U))
            (equal ?SWH
                (MultiplicationFn 4.0
                    (StandardDeviationFn ?LIST))))))
Weather.kif 1514-1529

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