distrusts |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation distrusts EnglishLanguage "A Relation between two Agents and a class of Processes where the first agent does not believe that the second agent will do what he says, at least with respect to that kind of action, either because he will lie, or because he simply is not capable of performing the action.") | Law.kif 373-377 | |
(domain distrusts 1 AutonomousAgent) | Law.kif 367-367 | distrusts の数値 1 引数は AutonomousAgent の instance では %n |
(domain distrusts 2 AutonomousAgent) | Law.kif 368-368 | distrusts の数値 2 引数は AutonomousAgent の instance では %n |
(domainSubclass distrusts 3 IntentionalProcess) | Law.kif 369-369 | distrusts の数値 3 引数は 意図的なプロセス のsubclass では %n |
(instance distrusts TernaryPredicate) | Law.kif 366-366 | distrusts は 3進述語 の instance では %n |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage distrusts "%1 distrusts %2") | Law.kif 371-371 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage distrusts "distrusts") | Law.kif 370-370 |
antecedent |
(=> (distrusts ?A1 ?A2 ?P) (believes ?A1 (modalAttribute (exists (?PI) (and (instance ?PI ?P) (agent ?PI ?A2))) Unlikely))) |
Law.kif 422-430 | |
(=> (distrusts ?A1 ?A2 ?P) (not (trusts ?A1 ?A2 ?P))) |
Law.kif 417-420 |
consequent |
(=> (trusts ?A1 ?A2 ?P) (not (distrusts ?A1 ?A2 ?P))) |
Law.kif 379-382 |