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Sigma KEE - SulfuricAcid

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SulfuricAcid EnglishLanguage "Sulfuric acid is a highly corrosive strong mineral acid with the molecular formula H2SO4. It is a colorless to slightly yellow viscous Liquid and is soluble in Water. The corrosiveness of it is mainly due to its strong acidic nature, strong dehydrating property and if concentrated strong oxidizing property. It has many applications and is a central Substance in the chemical industry. Principal uses include LeadAcidWetBattery(s) for Automobiles and other Vehicles, mineral processing, fertilizer manufacturing, oil refining, wastewater processing, and ChemicalSynthesis. [from Wikipedia]") Cars.kif 2464-2472
(roomTempState SulfuricAcid Liquid) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31690-31690 roomTempState SulfuricAcid and Liquid
(subclass SulfuricAcid ChemicalAcid) Cars.kif 2462-2462 SulfuricAcidChemicalAcidsubclass では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage SulfuricAcid "sulfuric acid") Cars.kif 2463-2463

appearance as argument number 3

(molecularRatio Hydrogen 2 SulfuricAcid) Cars.kif 2474-2474 molecularRatio Hydrogen, 2 and SulfuricAcid
(molecularRatio Oxygen 4 SulfuricAcid) Cars.kif 2476-2476 molecularRatio Oxygen, 4 and SulfuricAcid
(molecularRatio Sulphur 1 SulfuricAcid) Cars.kif 2475-2475 molecularRatio Sulphur, 1 and SulfuricAcid

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