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Sigma KEE - someRoomsPhysicalAmenity

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation someRoomsPhysicalAmenity EnglishLanguage "(someRoomsPhysicalAmenity ?INV ?OBJ) means that there are rooms in RoomInventory ?INV that have roomAmenity ?OBJ") Hotel.kif 179-181
(domain someRoomsPhysicalAmenity 1 RoomInventory) Hotel.kif 184-184 Il numero 1 argomenti di someRoomsPhysicalAmenity è un istanza di RoomInventory
(domainSubclass someRoomsPhysicalAmenity 2 Object) Hotel.kif 185-185 Il numero 2 argomento someRoomsPhysicalAmenity è una sottoclasse diOggetto
(instance someRoomsPhysicalAmenity BinaryPredicate) Hotel.kif 178-178 someRoomsPhysicalAmenity è un' istanza di PredicatoBinario

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage someRoomsPhysicalAmenity "some rooms 在 %1 有 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4558-4558
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage someRoomsPhysicalAmenity "some rooms 在 %1 有 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4557-4557
(format EnglishLanguage someRoomsPhysicalAmenity "some rooms in %1 have %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4556-4556
(termFormat EnglishLanguage someRoomsPhysicalAmenity "physical amenity in some rooms") Hotel.kif 182-182


    (someRoomsPhysicalAmenity ?INV ?OBJ)
    (exists (?X)
            (memberType ?INV ?X)
            (roomAmenity ?X ?OBJ))))
Hotel.kif 187-192

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