significantWaveHeight |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation significantWaveHeight ChineseLanguage "有效波高 (significantWaveHeight)是一个三元谓词(TernaryPredicate)。 (significantWaveHeight ?WA ?TIME ?SWH) ?SWH 是形容在一段时间?TIME (TimeInterval) 一个水域内?WA (WaterArea),所有波浪中,从波峰到波谷平均波高最高的三分之一波浪波高的的长度单位 (LengthMeasure)。 它定义为所有波高标准偏差的四倍。") | Weather.kif 1503-1506 | |
(documentation significantWaveHeight EnglishLanguage " significantWaveHeight is a TernaryPredicate. (significantWaveHeight ?WA ?TIME ?SWH) ?SWH is a LengthMeasure used to describe the average wave height, from trough to crest, of the highest third the waves for a ?WA (WaterArea) for a ?TIME (TimeInterval). It is defined as four times the standard deviation of the height of all waves.") | Weather.kif 1499-1502 | |
(domain significantWaveHeight 1 WaterArea) | Weather.kif 1508-1508 | Il numero 1 argomenti di significantWaveHeight è un istanza di SuperficieAcquatica |
(domain significantWaveHeight 2 TimePosition) | Weather.kif 1509-1509 | Il numero 2 argomenti di significantWaveHeight è un istanza di PosizioneTemporale |
(domain significantWaveHeight 3 LengthMeasure) | Weather.kif 1510-1510 | Il numero 3 argomenti di significantWaveHeight è un istanza di MisuraDiLunghezza |
(instance significantWaveHeight TernaryPredicate) | Weather.kif 1511-1511 | significantWaveHeight è un' istanza di PredicatoTernario |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage significantWaveHeight "significantWaveHeight in %1 during %2 is %3.") | Weather.kif 1512-1513 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage significantWaveHeight "有效波高") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 27863-27863 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage significantWaveHeight "significant wave height") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 27862-27862 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?SZ SurfZone) (significantWaveHeight ?SZ (WhenFn ?SZ) (MeasureFn ?X FootLength)) (greaterThan ?X 8.0)) (attribute ?SZ RedFlagSwimmingCondition)) |
Weather.kif 1382-1389 |
consequent |