muscleOrigin |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation muscleOrigin EnglishLanguage "The origin of a muscle is an attachment site that connects the MMuscle to a Bone or other BodyPart. This point is typically proximal to the body and does not move during MuscularContraction (relative to StandardAnatomicalPosition). This is a relationship between classes of things, where a typical and healthy Human (and likely more broadly for Primates) will have a muscle with the given origin point. [from Wikipedia]") | Anatomy.kif 1679-1683 | |
(domainSubclass muscleOrigin 1 Muscle) | Anatomy.kif 1686-1686 | Il numero 1 argomento muscleOrigin è una sottoclasse diMuscolo |
(domainSubclass muscleOrigin 2 BodyPart) | Anatomy.kif 1687-1687 | Il numero 2 argomento muscleOrigin è una sottoclasse diParteDelCorpo |
(instance muscleOrigin BinaryPredicate) | Anatomy.kif 1685-1685 | muscleOrigin è un' istanza di PredicatoBinario |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage muscleOrigin "the origin of %1 is %2") | Anatomy.kif 1688-1688 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage muscleOrigin "muscle origin") | Anatomy.kif 1689-1689 |
antecedent |
appearance as argument number 0 |