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Sigma KEE - abstractCounterpart

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation abstractCounterpart ChineseLanguage "(abstractCounterpart ?AB ?PHYS) 它一个 Physical 实体和这个 Physical entity 在某些维度的理想模式的 Abstract 联系,例如: Abstract GraphNode 可以表达为 ComputerNetwork 里一个实际 Computer 的对应。") chinese_format.kif 2382-2384
(documentation abstractCounterpart EnglishLanguage "(abstractCounterpart ?AB ?PHYS) relates a Physical entity to an Abstract one which is an idealized model in some dimension of the Physical entity. For example, an Abstract GraphNode could be stated to be the counterpart of an actual Computer in a ComputerNetwork.") Merge.kif 6116-6120
(documentation abstractCounterpart JapaneseLanguage "(abstractCounterpart ?AB ?PHYS) は、 Physical エンティティの一部の次元で理想的なモデルである Abstract エンティティに Physical エンティティを関連付ける。 例:Abstract GraphNodeComputerNetwork 内の実際の Computer の対応であると述べることができる。") japanese_format.kif 1061-1064
(domain abstractCounterpart 1 Abstract) Merge.kif 6112-6112 Il numero 1 argomenti di abstractCounterpart è un istanza di Astratto
(domain abstractCounterpart 2 Physical) Merge.kif 6113-6113 Il numero 2 argomenti di abstractCounterpart è un istanza di Entit�Concreta
(instance abstractCounterpart BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 6111-6111 abstractCounterpart è un' istanza di PredicatoBinario
(subrelation abstractCounterpart represents) Merge.kif 6114-6114 abstractCounterpart è una sottorelazione di represents

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage abstractCounterpart "%2 的 abstract counterpart %n 是 %1 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2654-2654
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage abstractCounterpart "%2 的 abstract counterpart %n 是 %1 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2653-2653
(format EnglishLanguage abstractCounterpart "the abstract counterpart of %2 is %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2652-2652
(termFormat EnglishLanguage abstractCounterpart "abstract counterpart") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65767-65767


        (connects ?A ?NODE1 ?NODE2)
        (abstractCounterpart ?N1 ?NODE1)
        (abstractCounterpart ?N2 ?NODE2)
        (abstractCounterpart ?ARC ?A))
    (links ?N1 ?N2 ?ARC))
Transportation.kif 2915-2921
        (distanceOnPath ?DIST ?PATH)
        (pathInSystem ?PATH ?SYS)
        (routeStart ?START ?PATH)
        (routeEnd ?END ?PATH)
        (abstractCounterpart ?GRAPH ?SYS))
    (exists (?S ?BN ?EN)
            (subGraph ?S ?GRAPH)
            (equal ?BN
                (BeginNodeFn ?GRAPH))
            (equal ?EN
                (EndNodeFn ?GRAPH))
            (abstractCounterpart ?BN ?START)
            (abstractCounterpart ?EN ?END))))
Transportation.kif 2851-2864
        (graphMeasure ?G ?M)
        (instance ?AN GraphNode)
        (graphPart ?AN ?G)
        (graphPart ?AA ?G)
        (instance ?AA GraphArc)
        (abstractCounterpart ?AN ?PN)
        (abstractCounterpart ?AA ?PA)
        (arcWeight ?AA ?N))
    (measure ?PA
        (MeasureFn ?N ?M)))
Merge.kif 6166-6177
        (instance ?TS TransitSystem)
        (instance ?T Transitway)
        (abstractCounterpart ?G ?TS)
        (systemPart ?T ?TS))
    (exists (?GA)
            (instance ?GA GraphArc)
            (abstractCounterpart ?GA ?T)
            (graphPart ?GA ?G))))
Transportation.kif 2891-2901
        (instance ?TS TransitSystem)
        (instance ?TJ TransitwayJunction)
        (abstractCounterpart ?G ?TS)
        (systemPart ?TJ ?TS))
    (exists (?GN)
            (instance ?GN GraphNode)
            (abstractCounterpart ?GN ?TJ)
            (graphPart ?GN ?G))))
Transportation.kif 2903-2913


        (distanceOnPath ?DIST ?PATH)
        (pathInSystem ?PATH ?SYS)
        (routeStart ?START ?PATH)
        (routeEnd ?END ?PATH)
        (abstractCounterpart ?GRAPH ?SYS))
    (exists (?S ?BN ?EN)
            (subGraph ?S ?GRAPH)
            (equal ?BN
                (BeginNodeFn ?GRAPH))
            (equal ?EN
                (EndNodeFn ?GRAPH))
            (abstractCounterpart ?BN ?START)
            (abstractCounterpart ?EN ?END))))
Transportation.kif 2851-2864
        (instance ?TS TransitSystem)
        (instance ?T Transitway)
        (abstractCounterpart ?G ?TS)
        (systemPart ?T ?TS))
    (exists (?GA)
            (instance ?GA GraphArc)
            (abstractCounterpart ?GA ?T)
            (graphPart ?GA ?G))))
Transportation.kif 2891-2901
        (instance ?TS TransitSystem)
        (instance ?TJ TransitwayJunction)
        (abstractCounterpart ?G ?TS)
        (systemPart ?TJ ?TS))
    (exists (?GN)
            (instance ?GN GraphNode)
            (abstractCounterpart ?GN ?TJ)
            (graphPart ?GN ?G))))
Transportation.kif 2903-2913
    (distanceOnPath ?DIST ?PATH)
    (exists (?GP)
            (instance ?GP GraphPath)
            (abstractCounterpart ?GP ?PATH))))
Transportation.kif 2844-2849
    (graphMeasure ?G ?M)
    (forall (?AC)
            (graphPart ?AC ?G)
            (exists (?PC)
                (abstractCounterpart ?AC ?PC)))))
Merge.kif 6158-6164
    (instance ?TS TransitSystem)
    (exists (?G)
            (instance ?G Graph)
            (abstractCounterpart ?G ?TS))))
Transportation.kif 2884-2889

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