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Sigma KEE - SouthernUzbekLanguage

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(documentation SouthernUzbekLanguage EnglishLanguage "The SouthernUzbekLanguage is an EasternTurkicLanguage of Afghanistan. SIL code: UZS. ISO 639-2: tut. Population: 1,403,000 or 9% of population in Afghanistan (1991 WA). Population total all countries: 1,455,000 or more. Region: Many places in north Afghanistan, especially Fariab Province. Maimana town is largely Uzbek. Also possibly in Germany. Also spoken in Pakistan, Turkey (Asia). Alternate names: UZBEKI, USBEKI, UZBAK. Comments: Limited understanding of Northern Uzbek. Differences in grammar and loan words from Western Farsi. City dwellers are bilingual in Dari, village dwellers have limited ability in Dari. 20% use Dari as second language. Pashto is also used. The only literature is 2 journals, circulation 400. Literacy rate in first language: 10% to 30% (?) Literacy rate in second language: 15% to 25% in Dari. Arabic script, orthography not yet standardized. Mainly settled agriculturalists, some nomads, some craftsmen in gold, jewels, pottery, leather. Hanafi Sunni Muslim. Also spoken in: Turkey (Asia). (Language name: UZBEK, SOUTHERN.) Population: 1,981 in Turkey (1982). Comments: Refugees from Afghanistan, now Turkish citizens. Distinct from Northern Uzbek of Uzbekistan and China. Sunni Muslim.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 5194-5210
(instance SouthernUzbekLanguage EasternTurkicLanguage) Languages.kif 5193-5193 SouthernUzbekLanguage è un' istanza di EasternTurkicLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage SouthernUzbekLanguage "南乌兹别克语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54276-54276
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SouthernUzbekLanguage "南烏茲別克語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54275-54275
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SouthernUzbekLanguage "southern uzbek language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54274-54274

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