RockerArm |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation RockerArm EnglishLanguage "A Device located in the Cylinder head of a FourStrokeEngine that opens a Valve. It is typically activated by contact from a Cam on the Camshaft.") | Cars.kif 3823-3825 | |
(subclass RockerArm Device) | Cars.kif 3821-3821 | RockerArm è una sottoclasse di Dispositivo |
(typicalPart RockerArm FourStrokeEngine) | Cars.kif 3826-3826 | typicalPart RockerArm and FourStrokeEngine |
(typicallyContainsPart RockerArm FourStrokeEngine) | Cars.kif 3827-3827 | typicallyContainsPart RockerArm and FourStrokeEngine |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage RockerArm "rocker arm") | Cars.kif 3822-3822 |
antecedent |