ParliamentaryGovernment |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ParliamentaryGovernment EnglishLanguage "ParliamentaryGovernment is the attribute of a government whose chief LegislativeOrganization is a Parliament. A parliamentary government is compatible with various other government types, including Monarchy.") | Government.kif 251-254 | |
(instance ParliamentaryGovernment FormOfGovernment) | Government.kif 162-162 | ParliamentaryGovernment è un' istanza di FormOfGovernment |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subAttribute ConstitutionalParliamentaryDemocracy ParliamentaryGovernment) | Government.kif 269-269 | ConstitutionalParliamentaryDemocracy è un sottoattributo di ParliamentaryGovernment |
(subAttribute FederalParliamentaryDemocracy ParliamentaryGovernment) | Government.kif 268-268 | FederalParliamentaryDemocracy è un sottoattributo di ParliamentaryGovernment |
(subAttribute ParliamentaryDemocracy ParliamentaryGovernment) | Government.kif 267-267 | ParliamentaryDemocracy è un sottoattributo di ParliamentaryGovernment |
(subAttribute ParliamentaryRepublic ParliamentaryGovernment) | Government.kif 266-266 | ParliamentaryRepublic è un sottoattributo di ParliamentaryGovernment |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ParliamentaryGovernment "议会政府") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 44486-44486 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ParliamentaryGovernment "議會政府") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 44485-44485 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ParliamentaryGovernment "parliamentary government") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 44484-44484 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (governmentType ?PLACE ?TYPE) (instance ?PLACE GeopoliticalArea) (subAttribute ?TYPE ParliamentaryGovernment)) (exists (?ORG) (and (instance ?ORG Parliament) (subOrganization ?ORG (GovernmentFn ?PLACE))))) |
Government.kif 256-264 |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?AREA ParliamentaryTerritory) (governmentType (GovernmentFn ?AREA) ParliamentaryGovernment)) |
Government.kif 491-493 |