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Sigma KEE - NavarroLabourdinBasqueLanguage

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(documentation NavarroLabourdinBasqueLanguage EnglishLanguage "The NavarroLabourinBasqueLanguage is a BasqueGroupLanguage of France. SIL code: BQE. ISO 639-2: mis. Population: 67,500 speakers (1991), including 45,000 Labourdin, 22,500 Lower Navarro. Total Basque speakers in France estimated at 80,000 (1991 L. Trask, U. of Sussex). Reported to be 730,000 ethnic Basque in France (1993 Johnstone). Region: French-Spanish border, 800 square miles surrounding Bayonne, Labourd (Lapurdi), and Basse-Navarre departments. Alternate names: NAVARRO-LABOURDIN. Dialects: LABOURDIN (LAPURDIERA), EASTERN LOW NAVARRESE (BENAFFARERA, BAJO NAVARRO ORIENTAL), WESTERN LOW NAVARRESE (BAJO NAVARRO OCCIDENTAL). Comments: Navarro-Labourdin is diverse from other Basque dialects, and needs separate literature. Bilingualism in French. Dictionary. Grammar. Christian. Bible 1856.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 5902-5913
(externalImage NavarroLabourdinBasqueLanguage " wikipedia/ commons/ 3/ 38/ Navarra_-_Mapa_densidad_euskera_2001.png") pictureList.kif 11495-11495
(externalImage NavarroLabourdinBasqueLanguage " wikipedia/ commons/ 5/ 56/ Ascain_St%C3%A8le_disco%C3%AFdale.jpg") pictureList.kif 10143-10143
(instance NavarroLabourdinBasqueLanguage BasqueGroupLanguage) Languages.kif 5901-5901 NavarroLabourdinBasqueLanguage è un' istanza di BasqueGroupLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage NavarroLabourdinBasqueLanguage "navarro labourdin 巴斯克语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39959-39959
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NavarroLabourdinBasqueLanguage "navarro labourdin 巴斯克語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39958-39958
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NavarroLabourdinBasqueLanguage "navarro labourdin basque language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39957-39957

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