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Sigma KEE - LeafSpring

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation LeafSpring EnglishLanguage "A type of spring found in Trucks and older Automobiles, and is designed to minimize the transmission of shocks to the frame of a LandVehicle from hitting imperfections in a road surface. They are typically arranged into a group of layers that provides stronger resistance when the shock encountered is greater.") Cars.kif 888-892
(externalImage LeafSpring " 6/ 63/ Leafs1.jpg") Cars.kif 894-894
(subclass LeafSpring Spring) Cars.kif 887-887 LeafSpring è una sottoclasse di Spring
(typicalPart LeafSpring AutoSuspensionSystem) Cars.kif 896-896 typicalPart LeafSpring and AutoSuspensionSystem

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage LeafSpring "leaf spring") Cars.kif 895-895


        (instance ?L LeafSpring)
        (part ?L ?RV)
        (instance ?RV RoadVehicle))
        (exists (?L2)
                (instance ?L2 LeafSpring)
                (part ?L2 ?RV)
                    (equal ?L ?L2))
                (meetsSpatially ?L ?L2))) Likely))
Cars.kif 902-915
    (instance ?L LeafSpring)
    (attribute ?L LongAndThin))
Cars.kif 898-900


        (instance ?L LeafSpring)
        (part ?L ?RV)
        (instance ?RV RoadVehicle))
        (exists (?L2)
                (instance ?L2 LeafSpring)
                (part ?L2 ?RV)
                    (equal ?L ?L2))
                (meetsSpatially ?L ?L2))) Likely))
Cars.kif 902-915

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