LandForm |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation LandForm EnglishLanguage "A LandForm is the class of geographically and/ or geologically distinct areas that occur on Earth's surface, including mountains, hills, plains, valleys, deltas, and features of submerged land areas such as the ocean floor.") | Geography.kif 3976-3978 | |
(subclass LandForm GeographicArea) | Geography.kif 3975-3975 | LandForm è una sottoclasse di AreaGeografica |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?LAND Shoal) (exists (?PART ?WATER) (and (instance ?PART LandForm) (most ?PART ?LAND) (instance ?WATER BodyOfWater) (covers ?WATER ?PART)))) |
Geography.kif 5920-5927 | |
(=> (instance ?WEARING Erosion) (exists (?LAND) (and (patient ?WEARING ?LAND) (instance ?LAND LandForm)))) |
Geography.kif 2682-2687 |