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Sigma KEE - GalicianLanguage

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(documentation GalicianLanguage EnglishLanguage "The GalicianLanguage is a PortugueseGalicianLanguage of Spain. SIL code: GLN. ISO 639-1: gl. ISO 639-2: glg. Population: 3,173,400 in Spain, 8.2% of the population (1986). Population total both countries: 4,000,000 (1999 WA). Region: Northwest Spain, Autonomous Region of Galicia. Also spoken in Portugal. Alternate names: GALEGO, GALLEGO. Comments: Galician is between Portuguese and Spanish, but closer to Portuguese. Portuguese has about 85% intelligibility to speakers of Galician (R.A. Hall, Jr., 1989). Many dialects. Bilingualism in Spanish. There is an Academy of the Galician Language. It has had many decades of development as a language of serious literature, including poetry, essays on novel, ideological, philosophical, and sociological topics, and for all levels of education, including higher education. A growing sense of ethnic identity and of the Galician language. Investigation needed: intelligibility with dialects on the border with Asturian. Official language. Bible 1989-1992. Also spoken in: Portugal. (Language name: GALICIAN.) Population: 15,000 in Tras Os Montes (1994 D. and N. Burns). Alternate names: GALEGO, GALLEGO. Comments: Galician is between Portuguese and Spanish, but closer to Portuguese. There is an Academy of the Galician Language. There is tension between those in Tras Os Montes Portugal and Spain over dialect differences and identity. There is tension between those in Tras Os Montes Portugal and Spain over orthography. Bible 1989-1992.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 10472-10492
(externalImage GalicianLanguage " 4/ 49/ Percentage_of_Galician_speakers_%28corrected%29.PNG") pictureList.kif 6593-6593
(externalImage GalicianLanguage " c/ c5/ Galician_vowel_chart.png") pictureList.kif 7011-7011
(instance GalicianLanguage PortugueseGalicianLanguage) Languages.kif 10471-10471 GalicianLanguage è un' istanza di PortugueseGalicianLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage GalicianLanguage "加利西亚语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25364-25364
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage GalicianLanguage "加利西亞語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25363-25363
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GalicianLanguage "galician language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25362-25362

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO-639-1 "gl" GalicianLanguage) Languages.kif 14771-14771 codeMapping ISO-639-1, "gl" and GalicianLanguage

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