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Sigma KEE - capitalExpendituresOfArea

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation capitalExpendituresOfArea EnglishLanguage "(capitalExpendituresOfArea ?AREA ?AMOUNT) means that the annual capital expenditures of the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA are ?AMOUNT, calculated in U.S. dollars according to the currency exchange rate method. This figure is a portion of the annualExpendituresOfArea for ?AREA.") Economy.kif 1551-1556
(domain capitalExpendituresOfArea 1 GeopoliticalArea) Economy.kif 1548-1548 Le nombre 1 argument de capitalExpendituresOfArea est une instance de secteur g�opolitique
(domain capitalExpendituresOfArea 2 CurrencyMeasure) Economy.kif 1549-1549 Le nombre 2 argument de capitalExpendituresOfArea est une instance de mesure de devise
(instance capitalExpendituresOfArea BinaryPredicate) Economy.kif 1547-1547 capitalExpendituresOfArea est une instance de pr�dicat binaire

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage capitalExpendituresOfArea "%2 %n 是 %1 的 capital 地区支出") domainEnglishFormat.kif 360-360
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage capitalExpendituresOfArea "%2 %n 是 %1 的 capital 地區支出") domainEnglishFormat.kif 359-359
(format EnglishLanguage capitalExpendituresOfArea "%2 is %n a capital expenditures of area of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 358-358
(termFormat ChineseLanguage capitalExpendituresOfArea "地区的资本支出") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13086-13086
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage capitalExpendituresOfArea "地區的資本支出") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13085-13085
(termFormat EnglishLanguage capitalExpendituresOfArea "capital expenditures of area") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13084-13084


        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (capitalExpendituresOfArea ?AREA ?CAPAMOUNT))
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (annualExpendituresOfArea ?AREA ?TOTALAMOUNT)))
    (greaterThan ?TOTALAMOUNT ?CAPAMOUNT))
Economy.kif 1558-1562


    (capitalExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod ?AREA ?CAPAMOUNT ?PERIOD)
    (exists (?TIME)
            (instance ?TIME ?PERIOD)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (capitalExpendituresOfArea ?AREA ?CAPAMOUNT)))))
Economy.kif 1565-1570 capitalExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod secteur g�opolitique, mesure de devise and interval temporel position temporel position temporel est une instance de interval temporel capitalExpendituresOfArea secteur g�opolitique and mesure de devise pendant position temporel

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