PureTwopole(純雙極) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation PureTwopole EnglishLanguage "A Twopole that models single physical phenomenon, its constitutive relation has special structure.") | engineering.kif 494-495 | |
(lexicon PureTwopole LexNoun "physical element") | engineering.kif 497-497 | |
(lexicon PureTwopole LexNoun "pure twopole") | engineering.kif 496-496 | |
(subclass PureTwopole Twopole) | engineering.kif 498-498 | 子類 純雙極 and 雙極 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass AcrossVariableAccumulator PureTwopole) | engineering.kif 513-513 | 子類 跨變量累加器 and 純雙極 |
(subclass Dissipator PureTwopole) | engineering.kif 509-509 | 子類 消減器 and 純雙極 |
(subclass ElectricalTwopole PureTwopole) | engineering.kif 531-531 | 子類 電氣雙極 and 純雙極 |
(subclass IdealSwitch PureTwopole) | engineering.kif 501-501 | 子類 理想的開關 and 純雙極 |
(subclass IdealTwopole PureTwopole) | engineering.kif 506-506 | 子類 理想的雙極 and 純雙極 |
(subclass Source PureTwopole) | engineering.kif 520-520 | 子類 資源 and 純雙極 |
(subclass ThroughVariableAccumulator PureTwopole) | engineering.kif 517-517 | 子類 通過變量累加器 and 純雙極 |
(subclass TranslatoryTwopole PureTwopole) | engineering.kif 569-569 | 子類 翻譯雙極 and 純雙極 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PureTwopole "纯双极") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 48184-48184 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PureTwopole "純雙極") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 48183-48183 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PureTwopole "pure twopole") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 48182-48182 |