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roleNominatesRole RadiusFn
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RadioBroadcastingIndustry (radio broadcasting industry) resourceUsed (resource used)
RadioEmission (radio emission) responseRate (response rate)
RadioModem (radio modem) responseTime (response time)
RadioNetworks (radio networks) restingBreathingRate (resting breathing rate)
RadioOperator (radio operator) restingHeartRate (resting heart rate)
RadioReceiver (radio receiver) restinrestingBreathingRategHeartRate (baseline breathing rate)
RadioStation (radio station) result (result)
RadioStations (radio stations) resultType (result type)
RadioSystem (radio system) rewards (rewards)
RadioTelevisionAndOtherElectronicsStores (radio television and other electronics stores) riskLevel (risk level)
RadioactiveWeapon (radioactive weapon) riskTolerance (risk tolerance)
RadiologicalWeapon (radiological weapon) ro (ro)
Radish (radish) roastedToTemperature (roasted to temperature)
Radium (radium) roleAppointsRole (role appoints role)
Radius (radius) roleApprovesRole (role approves role)
RoleNominatesRole radiusFn
RadiusFn (radius) roleNominatesRole (role nominates role)
RadiusInterosseousMembraneOfForearm (RadiusInterosseousMembraneOfForearm) roomAmenity (room amenity)
Radon (radon) roomAttribute (room attribute)
RafahGazaStrip (rafah gaza strip) roomPolicy (room policy)
Rafting (rafting) roomStay (room stay)
Rage (rage) roomTempState (roomTempState)
Raid (raid) routeBetween (route between)
RailCarrierControl (rail carrier control) routeEnd (route end)
RailJunction (rail junction) routeInSystem (route in system)
RailTransportation (rail transportation) routeStart (route start)
RailTransportationSystem (rail transportation system) runningOn (running on)
RailVehicle (rail vehicle) runsOn (runs on)
Railcar (railcar) says (says)
RailcarCarrierShip (railcar carrier ship) screenOfGUIE (screen of GUIE)
RailroadCompany (railroad company) seaSurfaceTemperature (sea surface temperature)
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