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memberAtTime NewYorkCityUnitedStates
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NewDelhiIndia (new delhi india) measure (measure)
NewEngland (new england) measurementReading (measurement reading)
NewEnglandCuisine (New England Cuisine) measuringListDuration (measuring list duration)
NewEnglandRoast (New England roast) measuringListInterval (measuring list interval)
NewFrontiersInternationalChurch (New frontiers international church) measuringResult (measuring result)
NewHampshire (new hampshire) meatOfAnimal (meat of animal)
NewItem (new) meceCollection (mutually exclusive completely exhaustive)
NewJersey (new jersey united states) medicalPatient (medical patient)
NewMexicanCuisine (New Mexican Cuisine) medicine (medicine)
NewMexico (new mexico) mediumAltitudeWindSpeed (medium altitude wind speed)
NewReporter (NewReporter) mediumAltitudeWindVelocity (medium altitude wind velocity)
NewTestament (new testament) meetsSpatially (meets spatially)
NewTestamentChurchOfGod (New testament church of god) meetsTemporally (meets temporally)
NewWaveMusic (new wave) meltingPoint (melting point)
NewWorldCuisine (New World Cuisine) member (member)
MemberAtTime newYorkCityUnitedStates
NewYorkCityUnitedStates (new york city united states) memberAtTime (member at time)
NewYorkState (new york state) memberCount (member count)
NewZealand (new zealand) memberMeasure (member measure)
NewZealandCuisine (New Zealand Cuisine) memberType (member type)
NewZealandDollar (new zealand dollar) memberTypeCount (member type count)
NewZealandSignLanguage (new zealand sign language) memorySize (memory size)
NewlyIndustrializingEconomy (newly industrializing economy) middleName (middle name)
NewsDealersAndNewsstands (news dealers and newsstands) militaryAge (military age)
NewsProgram (news program) militaryExpendituresFractionOfGDP (military expenditures fraction of GDP)
NewsReporter (news reporter) militaryExpendituresFractionOfGDPInPeriod (military expenditures fraction of GDP in period)
NewsSyndicates (news syndicates) militaryExpendituresInUSDollars (military expenditures in US dollars)
Newspaper (newspaper) militaryExpendituresInUSDollarsInPeriod (military expenditures in US dollars in period)
NewspaperPeriodicalBookAndDatabasePublishers (newspaper periodical book and database publishers) militaryOfArea (military of area)
NewspaperPublishers (newspaper publishers) milliFn (milliFn)
NewsprintMills (newsprint mills) mimeType (mime type)
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