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dataProcessed DistalPhalanx
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DiskDriveWithRemovableDisks (disk drive with removable disks) currencyExchangePerUSDollar (currency exchange perUS dollar)
DiskShaped (disk shaped) currencyExchangeRate (currency exchange rate)
DislocatedCivilian (dislocated civilian) currencyExchangeRateInPeriod (currency exchange rate in period)
DismantlingWeaponOfMassDestruction (dismantling weapon of mass destruction) currencyType (currency type)
Dismounting (dismounting) currencyValue (currency value)
DisplacedPerson (displaced person) currentAccountBalance (current account balance)
DisplacementHullWaterVehicle (displacement hull water vehicle) currentInterestRate (current interest rate)
DisplayAdvertising (display advertising) customer (customer)
DisplayArtifact (display artifact) customerRepresentative (customer representative)
DisseminateProducts (product dissemination) customerValue (customer value)
Disseminating (disseminating) cylinderBore (cylinder bore)
Dissident (dissident) cz (cz)
Dissipator (dissipator) dailyLimit (daily limit)
DistalAnteriorSurfaceOfFibula (DistalAnteriorSurfaceOfFibula) dampingRatio (damping ratio)
DistalPhalangesOfLateralFourDigits (DistalPhalangesOfLateralFourDigits) dataID (dataID)
DataProcessed distalPhalanx
DistalPhalanx (DistalPhalanx) dataProcessed (data processed)
DistalPhalanxOfThumb (DistalPhalanxOfThumb) dataStreamSlack (data stream slack)
DistilledAlcoholicBeverage (distilled alcoholic beverage) date (date)
Distilleries (distilleries) dateDissolved (date dissolved)
Distillery (distillery) dateEstablished (date established)
Distilling (distilling) dateOfStatement (date of statement)
DistributeProducts (product distribution) dateOpenedForSignature (date opened for signature)
DistributiveShock (distributive shock) dateUsed (date used)
Distributor (distributor) dauer (dauer)
DistrictID (district iD) daughter (daughter)
DistrictOfMansehraPakistan (district of mansehra pakistan) dayPhone (day phone)
Diuretic (diuretic) daylightHoursInterval (daylight hours interval)
DiversifiedEconomy (diversified economy) daylightHoursTotal (daylight hours total)
Dividend (dividend) de (de)
Diving (diving) deathTime (deathTime)
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