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valence WoodTelevisionRadioAndSewingMachineCabinetManufacturing
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WomensAndGirlsCutAndSewSuitCoatTailoredJacketAndSkirtManufacturing (womens and girls cut and sew suit coat tailored jacket and skirt manufacturing) uniqueIdWithRespectTo (unique ID with respect to)
WomensChildrensAndInfantsClothingAndAccessoriesWholesalers (womens childrens and infants clothing and accessories wholesalers) uniqueIdentifier (unique identifier)
WomensClothingStores (womens clothing stores) unitMeasuringPerformance (unit measuring performance)
WomensFootwearExceptAthleticManufacturing (womens footwear except athletic manufacturing) unitNumber (unit number)
WomensGirlsAndInfantsCutAndSewApparelContractors (womens girls and infants cut and sew apparel contractors) unitPrice (unit price)
WomensHandbagAndPurseManufacturing (womens handbag and purse manufacturing) unpaidItem (unpaid item)
Won (won) unratifiedSignatoryToAgreement (unratified signatory to agreement)
Wood (wood) urlString (url)
WoodChipsCarrierShip (wood chips carrier ship) userDatabase (user database)
WoodContainerAndPalletManufacturing (wood container and pallet manufacturing) userFeedbackScore (user feedback score)
WoodKitchenCabinetAndCountertopManufacturing (wood kitchen cabinet and countertop manufacturing) userIDString (user identifier string)
WoodOfficeFurnitureManufacturing (wood office furniture manufacturing) userName (user name)
WoodPreservation (wood preservation) uses (uses)
WoodProduct (wood product) utterance (utterance)
WoodProductManufacturing (wood product manufacturing) vaccine (vaccine)
Valence woodTelevisionRadioAndSewingMachineCabinetManufacturing
WoodTelevisionRadioAndSewingMachineCabinetManufacturing (wood television radio and sewing machine cabinet manufacturing) valence (valence)
WoodWindowAndDoorManufacturing (wood window and door manufacturing) validFor (valid for)
WoodenArtifact (wood artifact) validPaymentType (valid payment type)
WoodyFlavour (woody flavour) validityPeriod (validity period)
WoodyPlant (WoodyPlant) vegetationType (vegetation type)
Wool (wool) vegetationTypePattern (vegetation type pattern)
Word (word) version (version)
WorkLeave (work leave) vesselDeadWeightTonnage (vessel dead weight tonnage)
WorkerInsect (worker insect) vesselDisplacement (vessel displacement)
Working (working) vesselGrossRegisteredTonnage (vessel gross registered tonnage)
Workshop (workshop) victim (victim)
WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel (world bankGNI per capita level) viewType (view type)
WorldBankGroup (world bank group) viewedItemList (list of viewed items)
WorldConfederationOfLabor (world confederation of labor) viewedListing (viewed listing)
WorldCustomsOrganization (world customs organization) visibilityInMeteorology (visibility in meteorology)
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