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format GhegGroupAlbanianLanguage
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GermanicLanguage (germanic language) fitForMilitaryService (fit for military service)
Germanium (germanium) fixedInterestRate (fixed interest rate)
Germany (germany) flagDescription (flag description)
Gesture (gesture) flagImage (flag image)
Getting (getting) flagState (flag state)
GetxoSpain (getxo spain) fleetDeadWeightTonnage (fleet dead weight tonnage)
GhadamesLanguage (ghadames language) fleetGrossRegisteredTonnage (fleet gross registered tonnage)
GhalebiehIraq (ghalebieh iraq) fleetSize (Fleet Size)
Ghana (ghana) floorCode (floor code)
GhanaianSignLanguage (ghanaian sign language) floorLoan (floor loan)
GhanianCedi (ghanian cedi) flowCurrent (flow current)
GhanianCuisine (Ghanian Cuisine) flows (flows)
GhaziabadIndia (ghaziabad india) follows (follow)
GhaziabadUttarPradeshIndia (ghaziabad uttar pradesh india) forall (forall)
GhegAlbanianLanguage (gheg albanian language) formOfAdaptation (form of adaptation)
Format ghegGroupAlbanianLanguage
GhegGroupAlbanianLanguage (gheg group albanian language) format (format)
Ghibli (ghibli) formerName (former name)
GhomaraGroupLanguage (ghomara group language) freeFunctionRoomAmenity (free function room amenity)
GhomaraLanguage (ghomara language) freePropertyAmenity (free property amenity)
GiardiaLamblia (giardia lamblia) freeRoomAmenity (free room amenity)
GibanawaLanguage (gibanawa language) frequency (frequency)
Gibraltar (gibraltar) friend (friend)
GiftNoveltyAndSouvenirStores (gift novelty and souvenir stores) fulfillingEntity (fulfilling entity)
GigaFn (giga) fullName (full name)
GikuyuLanguage (Gikuyu language) fullNameIndexOrder (full name index order)
Gills (gills) functionRoomAmenity (function room amenity)
GiloIsrael (gilo israel) gainsControl (gains control)
GilyakLanguage (gilyak language) geneticSubstrateOfVirus (genetic substrate of virus)
Gin (gin) geographicSubregion (geographic subregion)
Ginger (ginger) geometricDistance (geometric distance)
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