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interiorPart LiftFn
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Libya (libya) inflationRateOfConsumerPricesInPeriod (inflation rate of consumer prices in period)
LibyanDinar (libyan dinar) ingredient (ingredient)
LibyanSignLanguage (libyan sign language) ingredientAmount (amount of ingredient)
LiceTurkey (lice turkey) inhabits (inhabits)
License (license) inhibit (inhibit)
LicenseAgreement (license agreement) inhibits (inhibits)
Lichen (lichen) initialList (initial list)
Licking (licking) initialPart (initial part)
Lid (lid) initiallyContainsPart (initially contains part)
Liechtenstein (liechtenstein) instance (instance)
Lieutenant (lieutenant) instrument (instrument)
LieutenantGovernor (lieutenant governor) insured (insured)
LifeExpectancyAtBirthFn (life expectancy at birth) intelligenceQuotient (intelligence quotient)
LifeThreateningAgent (life threatening agent) interestEarned (interest earned)
LifeThreateningDisease (life threatening disease) interestRatePerPeriod (interest rate per period)
InteriorPart liftFn
LiftFn (lift) interiorPart (interior part)
LightBulb (light bulb) internationalDispute (international dispute)
LightFixture (light fixture) internetCountryCode (internet country code)
LightRoast (light roast) intialPart (intialPart)
LightTruck (light truck) invadingVirus (invading virus)
LightTruckAndUtilityVehicleManufacturing (light truck and utility vehicle manufacturing) inventory (inventory)
LightingFixtureManufacturing (lighting fixture manufacturing) inverse (inverse)
Lightning (lightning) involvedInEvent (involved in event)
LigurianCuisine (Ligurian Cuisine) ipAddressOf (ip address of)
LigurianLanguage (ligurian language) ipOfDomain (IP of domain)
Likely (likely) irreflexiveOn (irreflexiveOn)
Lilac (lilac) irrigatedLandArea (irrigated land area)
LimaPeru (lima peru) issuedBy (issued by)
Limb (limb) jailer (jailer)
LimbWeakening (limb weakening) judge (judge)
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