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validityPeriod Wrestler
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WorldConfederationOfLabor (world confederation of labor) unitNumber (unit number)
WorldCustomsOrganization (world customs organization) unitPrice (unit price)
WorldFederationOfTradeUnions (world federation of trade unions) unpaidItem (unpaid item)
WorldFoodProgram (world food program) unratifiedSignatoryToAgreement (unratified signatory to agreement)
WorldHealthOrganization (world health organization) urlString (url)
WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganization (world intellectual property organization) userDatabase (user database)
WorldLaborIssues (world labor issues) userFeedbackScore (user feedback score)
WorldMeteorologicalOrganization (world meteorological organization) userIDString (user identifier string)
WorldOcean (world ocean) userName (user name)
WorldTourismOrganization (world tourism organization) uses (uses)
WorldTradeOrganization (world trade organization) utterance (utterance)
Worm (worm) vaccine (vaccine)
Worry (worry) valence (valence)
WreckingAndDemolitionContractors (wrecking and demolition contractors) validFor (valid for)
Wrench (wrench) validPaymentType (valid payment type)
ValidityPeriod wrestler
Wrestler (wrestler) validityPeriod (validity period)
Wrestling (wrestling) vegetationType (vegetation type)
Wrist (wrist) vegetationTypePattern (vegetation type pattern)
WristBone (wrist bone) version (version)
WriteOnceDataStorage (write once data storage) vesselDeadWeightTonnage (vessel dead weight tonnage)
Writer (writer) vesselDisplacement (vessel displacement)
Writing (writing) vesselGrossRegisteredTonnage (vessel gross registered tonnage)
WritingDevice (writing device) victim (victim)
WrittenCommunication (written communication) viewType (view type)
WrittenHumanLanguage (written human language) viewedItemList (list of viewed items)
WrittenLanguage (written language) viewedListing (viewed listing)
Wuhan (Wuhan) visibilityInMeteorology (visibility in meteorology)
WutungLanguage (wutung language) visitorParameter (visitor profile parameter)
WutunhuaLanguage (wutunhua language) visualAcuity (visual acuity)
WyandotLanguage (wyandot language) voltageMeasure (voltage measure)
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