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tenant VehicleLight
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VeenkoloniaalsLanguage (veenkoloniaals language) targetInAttack (target in attack)
Vegan (vegan) task (task)
Vegetable (vegetable) taskRelation (task relation)
VegetableAndMelonFarming (vegetable and melon farming) taxDeferredIncome (tax deferred income)
VegetableFarming (vegetable farming) teacher (teacher)
VegetableOil (vegetable oil) telecomAreaCode (telecom area code)
VegetableOilIndustry (vegetable oil industry) telecomCode2 (telecom code2)
Vegetarian (vegetarian) telecomContactDevice (telecom contact device)
Vehicle (vehicle) telecomCoreNumber (telecom core number)
VehicleAttack (vehicle attack) telecomCountryCode (telecom country code)
VehicleBrake (vehicle brake) telecomExtension (telecom extension)
VehicleCarrierShip (vehicle carrier ship) telephoneNumber (telephone number)
VehicleController (vehicle controller) temporalPart (temporal part)
VehicleDoor (vehicle door) temporallyBetween (temporally between)
VehicleEmissionsIssue (vehicle emissions issue) temporallyBetweenOrEqual (temporally between or equal)
Tenant vehicleLight
VehicleLight (vehicle light) tenant (tenant)
VehicleRegistration (vehicle registration) termFormat (term format)
VehicleRoofRack (roof bars) termLength (term length)
VehicleSafetyDevice (vehicle safety device) terrainInArea (terrain in area)
VehicleSeat (vehicle seat) text (text)
VehicleThrottle (vehicle throttle) tg (tg)
VehicleTire (vehicle tire) third (third)
VehicleWheel (vehicle wheel) thirdPartyProduct (third party product)
VehicleWindow (vehicle window) thresholdOf (threshold of)
VehicularLightingEquipmentManufacturing (vehicular lighting equipment manufacturing) time (time)
VehicularPollution (vehicular pollution) titleInLanguage (title in language)
Veil (veil) titles (titles)
Vein (vein) tonicity (tonicity)
Veldt (veldt) top (top)
Velocity (velocity) topSpeed (top speed)
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