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synonymousExternalConcept UnitOfTemperature
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UnionSoldier (union soldier) successEvent (exclusive)
UnionStatesOfAmerica (union states of america) successorAttribute (successor attribute)
UniqueList (unique list) successorAttributeClosure (successor attribute closure)
UnitFn (unit fn) successorClass (successor class)
UnitOfAngularMeasure (unit of angular measure) successorOrganization (successor organization)
UnitOfArea (unit of area) suffers (suffers)
UnitOfAtmosphericPressure (unit of atmospheric pressure) suffrageAgeMaximum (suffrage age maximum)
UnitOfCurrency (unit of currency) suffrageAgeMinimum (suffrage age minimum)
UnitOfDuration (unit of duration) superficialPart (superficial part)
UnitOfFrequency (unit of frequency) suppliesBlood (suppliesBlood)
UnitOfInformation (unit of information) surface (surface)
UnitOfLength (unit of length) surfaceWindDirection (surface wind direction)
UnitOfMass (unit of mass) surfaceWindSpeed (surface wind speed)
UnitOfMeasure (unit of measure) surfaceWindVelocity (surface wind velocity)
UnitOfMeasureMultiplier (unit of measure multiplier) sv (sv)
SynonymousExternalConcept unitOfTemperature
UnitOfTemperature (unit of temperature) synonymousExternalConcept (synonymous external concept)
UnitOfVolume (unit of volume) systemBehavior (system behavior)
UnitaryRule (unitary rule) systemMeasured (system measured)
UnitedArabEmirateDirham (united arab emirate dirham) systemPart (system part)
UnitedArabEmirates (united arab emirates) systolicBloodPressure (systolic blood pressure)
UnitedFreeChurchOfScotland (United free church of Scotland) tTest (t test result)
UnitedHealth (United Health) tags (tags)
UnitedKingdom (united kingdom) tangent (tangent)
UnitedKingdomGallon (united kingdom gallon) targetInAttack (target in attack)
UnitedNations (united nations) task (task)
UnitedNationsCenterForHumanSettlements (united nations center for human settlements) taskRelation (task relation)
UnitedNationsChildrensFund (united nations childrens fund) taxDeferredIncome (tax deferred income)
UnitedNationsCivilianPoliceMissionInHaiti (united nations civilian police mission in haiti) teacher (teacher)
UnitedNationsCompensationCommission (united nations compensation commission) telecomAreaCode (telecom area code)
UnitedNationsConferenceOnTradeAndDevelopment (united nations conference on trade and development) telecomCode2 (telecom code2)
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