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stranger TemperatureMeasure
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TelevisionStation (television station) startupOf (startup of)
TelevisionSystem (television system) startupTimeDelay (startup time delay)
Telex (telex) stateOfProcess (state of process)
TellingALie (tellingA lie) statementAccount (statement account)
Tellurium (tellurium) statementInterest (statement interest)
TeluguLanguage (Telugu language) statementPeriod (statement period)
TemacineTamazightLanguage (temacine tamazight language) states (states)
TemperateClimateZone (temperate climate zone) statisticalPopulation (statistical population)
TemperateHardwoodForest (temperate hardwood forest) status (status)
TemperateRainForest (temperate rain forest) stays (stays)
TemperateSummerDryClimateZone (temperate summer dry climate zone) stepfather (stepfather)
TemperateWinterDryClimateZone (temperate winter dry climate zone) stepmother (stepmother)
TemperatureAttribute (temperature attribute) stockHolder (stock holder)
TemperatureControl (temperature control) stockSymbol (stock symbol)
TemperatureFallingExperiencedAsFeelingCold (temperature falling (experienced as feeling cold)) stored (stored)
Stranger temperatureMeasure
TemperatureMeasure (temperature measure) stranger (stranger)
TemperatureRisingExperiencedAsFeelingWarm (temperature rising (experienced as feeling warm)) streamOutfall (stream outfall)
TemporalBone (temporal bone) strictness (strictness)
TemporalBoneEustachianTube (TemporalBoneEustachianTube) strikePrice (strike price)
TemporalBranchArtery (temporal branch artery) stringConcatenation (string concatenation)
TemporalBranchOfFacialNerveCNVII (temporal branch of facial nerve [CNVII]) stringLength (string length)
TemporalCompositionFn (temporal composition) student (student)
TemporalFascia (TemporalFascia) subAttribute (sub attribute)
TemporalLinesOnParietalBoneOfSkull (TemporalLinesOnParietalBoneOfSkull) subBrand (sub-brand)
TemporalLobes (temporal lobes) subCollection (sub collection)
TemporalRelation (temporal relation) subEchelon (sub echelon)
TemporalisMuscle (temporalis muscle) subField (sub field)
TemporaryHelpServices (temporary help services) subGraph (sub graph)
TemporaryResidence (temporary residence) subLanguage (sub language)
TemporaryShelters (temporary shelters) subList (sub list)
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