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securedBy Roughening
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RopeCordageAndTwineMills (rope cordage and twine mills) says (says)
RosasSpain (rosas spain) screenOfGUIE (screen of GUIE)
RostovOnDonRussia (rostov on don russia) seaSurfaceTemperature (sea surface temperature)
Rotary (rotary) searchQueryRewrite (search query rewrite)
RotaryDumpCar (rotary dump car) searchResult (search result)
Rotating (rotating) seatsHeldInOrganization (seats held in organization)
RotationFn (rotation fn) seatsInOrganizationCount (seats in organization count)
RotationalAttribute (rotational attribute) seatsWonInElection (seats won in election)
RotatoresMuscle (rotatores muscle) second (second)
Rotavirus (rotavirus) secretesSubstance (secretes substance)
RotavirusGastroenteritis (rotavirus gastroenteritis) secretesToxin (secretes toxin)
RothIRAAccount (rothIRA account) sectorCompositionOfGDP (sector composition ofGDP)
Rotor (rotor) sectorCompositionOfGDPInPeriod (sector composition of GDP in period)
Rough (rough) sectorValueOfGDP (sector value of GDP)
RoughSawnLumber (rough sawn lumber) sectorValueOfGDPInPeriod (sector value of GDP in period)
SecuredBy roughening
Roughening (roughening) securedBy (secured by)
RoundFn (round) securityQA (security QA)
RoundTwoDimensional (round two dimensional) sendRate (send rate)
RoverGroup (Rover group) sententialObject (sentential object)
RoverV8Engine (Rover v8) sententialSubject (sentential subject)
Rowing (rowing) serviceFee (service fee)
RowingMachine (rowing machine) serviceProvider (service provider)
Rubber (rubber) serviceRecipient (service recipient)
RubberAndPlasticsFootwearManufacturing (rubber and plastics footwear manufacturing) settlingTime (settling time)
RubberAndPlasticsHosesAndBeltingManufacturing (rubber and plastics hoses and belting manufacturing) shape (shape)
RubberProductManufacturing (rubber product manufacturing) shapeChange (shapeChange)
RubberProductManufacturingForMechanicalUse (rubber product manufacturing for mechanical use) shareHolder (share holder)
Rubidium (rubidium) shareOf (share of)
Rug (rug) sharedBorderLength (shared border length)
Rugby (rugby) sheddingBodyPart (shedding body part)
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