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ratingsAgent RisoriusMuscle
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RighttFibula (RighttFibula) punishes (punishes)
RighttScapulaBone (RighttScapulaBone) purchasesPerPeriod (purchases per period)
Rigid (rigid) qoSSlack (qoS slack)
RijekaCroatia (rijeka croatia) qualifiedExperiment (qualified experiment)
RimalDistrictGazaStrip (rimal district gaza strip) qualifiedPageView (qualified page view)
RingNetwork (ring network) qualifiedTreatment (qualified treatment)
RingTorus (ring torus) quarter (quarter)
RingersLactate (Ringer's lactate solution) rMProgramOf (rM program-of)
Ringing (ringing) radius (radius)
Rinvoq (Rinvoq) radiusOfMaximumWind (radius of maximum wind)
RioGroup (rio group) rainfallIntensity (rainfall intensity)
RipCurrent (rip current) rainySeasonInArea (rainy season in area)
RipuarianFranconianWestMiddleGermanLanguage (ripuarian franconian west middle german language) range (range)
RishonLeZionIsrael (rishon le zion israel) rangeSubclass (range subclass)
RiskAttribute (risk attribute) rateDetail (rate detail)
RatingsAgent risoriusMuscle
RisoriusMuscle (risorius muscle) ratingsAgent (ratings agent)
RiteAid (RiteAid) reactant (reactant)
River (river) reagent (reagent)
RiverBank (river bank) reakabilityAttribute (reakabilityAttribute)
RiverMouth (river mouth) realGrowthRateOfGDP (real growth rate of GDP)
RiverPort (river port) realGrowthRateOfGDPInPeriod (real growth rate of GDP in period)
RiverSystem (river system) realization (realization)
RiverainSangoLanguage (riverain sango language) record (record)
RiyadhSaudiArabia (riyadh saudi arabia) recordForAgreement (record for agreement)
Road (road) recordingCompany (recording company)
RoadJunction (road junction) recordingLength (recording length)
RoadTransportationSystem (road transportation system) recoveryKey (recovery key)
RoadVehicle (road vehicle) referee (referee)
Roadway (roadway) referenceTitle (reference title)
RoastedNutsAndPeanutButterManufacturing (roasted nuts and peanut butter manufacturing) refers (refers)
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