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occupiesPosition Month
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Monkey (monkey) numberAdultOccupant (number of adult occupants)
Monkeypox (monkeypox) numberChildOccupant (number of child occupants)
MonkeypoxVirus (monkeypox virus) numberOccupant (number of occupants)
MonoCrystalline (mono crystalline) numberOfCPUs (number of CPUs)
Monochromatic (monochromatic) numberOfCustomers (number of customers)
MonoclonalAntibody (monoclonal antibody) numberOfFloors (number of floors)
Monocyte (monocyte) numberSeniorOccupant (number of senior occupants)
Monomer (Monomer) objectAttached (attached)
MonophonicMusic (monophonic music) objectDetached (detached)
MonoploidCell (monoploid cell) objectGeographicCoordinates (object geographic coordinates)
MonoploidChromosomeSet (monoploid chromosome set) objectOfBid (object of bidding)
Monsoon (monsoon) objectTransferred (object transferred)
MonsoonClimateZone (monsoon climate zone) observedAtTimeInPlace (observed at time in place)
Montana (Montana) observesHoliday (observes holiday)
Montenegro (Montenegro) occupation (occupation)
OccupiesPosition month
Month (month) occupiesPosition (occupies position)
MonthDuration (month duration) offers (offers)
MonthFn (month) offersAtTime (offers at time)
MontrealCanada (montreal canada) older (older)
Montserrat (montserrat) onOrientation (on orientation)
Monument (monument) onboard (onboard)
MoodStabilizer (mood stabilizer) operator (operator)
Moon (moon) oppositeDirection (opposite direction)
MoragJunctionGazaStrip (morag junction gaza strip) optimalGrindSizeForMakingCoffee (optimal grind size for making coffee)
MoraidLanguage (moraid language) optionHolder (option holder)
MoralDisgust (moral disgust) optionSeller (option seller)
MoravianChurch (Moravian church) or (or)
MorisyenLanguage (morisyen language) orbits (orbits)
Mormon (Mormon) orderFor (order for)
Morning (morning) orgStaff (organization staff)
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