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havePartTypes HighPrecisionWeapon
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HernaniSpain (hernani spain) hasAccount (has account)
Heroin (heroin) hasAcrossVariable (has across variable)
HerpesB (herpes b) hasAward (has award)
HerpesBVirus (herpesB virus) hasDependency (has dependency)
HerpesVirus (herpes virus) hasDimension (has dimension)
Hertz (hertz) hasExpertise (has expertise)
HerzliyaIsrael (herzliya israel) hasGUEState (has GUE state)
HexaploidCell (hexaploid cell) hasMolecularStructuralAttribute (has molecular structural attribute)
HibitoLanguage (hibito language) hasOccupation (has occupation)
HidatsaLanguage (hidatsa language) hasPurpose (has purpose)
HighBiodiversity (high biodiversity) hasPurposeForAgent (has purpose for agent)
HighBloodPressure (high blood pressure) hasSkill (has skill)
HighGermanLanguage (high german language) hasThroughVariable (has through variable)
HighIncomeCountry (high income country) hasUniform (has uniform)
HighLiquidity (high liquidity) hasVariable (has variable)
HavePartTypes highPrecisionWeapon
HighPrecisionWeapon (high precision weapon) havePartTypes (have part types)
HighPressureWeatherSystem (high pressure weather system) hazardous (hazardous)
HighPriority (high priority) headOfGovernment (head of government)
HighRise (high rise) headingWRTCompassNorth (headingWRT compass north)
HighRisk (high risk) headingWRTMagneticNorth (headingWRT magnetic north)
HighSchool (high school) headingWRTTrueNorth (headingWRT true north)
HighTea (high tea) headquartersOfOrganization (headquarters of organization)
HighTechIndustrialEconomy (high tech industrial economy) hearingAcuity (visual acuity)
HighTide (high tide) heartRate (heart rate)
HighYield (high yield) height (height)
HigherHighTide (higher high tide) hi (hi)
HigherOrderDifferentialEquation (higher order differential equation) highAltitudeWindSpeed (high altitude wind speed)
Highlighting (highlighting) highAltitudeWindVelocity (high altitude wind velocity)
HighwayAndStreetConstruction (highway and street construction) highTide (high tide)
HighwayStreetBridgeAndTunnelConstruction (highway street bridge and tunnel construction) highestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncome (highest decile share of household income)
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