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floorLoan GameAttribute
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GalicianLanguage (galician language) financialResponseTo (financial response to)
Gallbladder (gallbladder) finishes (finishes)
GalleryCar (gallery car) firstInstanceCreated (first instance created)
Gallium (gallium) firstTimeBuyers (first time buyers)
GalloIberianLanguage (gallo iberian language) firstTimeSellers (first time buyers)
GalloItalianLanguage (gallo italian language) fiscalYearPeriod (fiscal year period)
GalloRhaetianLanguage (gallo rhaetian language) fitForMilitaryService (fit for military service)
GalloRomanceLanguage (gallo romance language) fixedInterestRate (fixed interest rate)
GallureseSardinianLanguage (gallurese sardinian language) flagDescription (flag description)
Gambia (gambia) flagImage (flag image)
GambianCuisine (Gambian Cuisine) flagState (flag state)
GambianDalasi (gambian dalasi) fleetDeadWeightTonnage (fleet dead weight tonnage)
GamblingIndustries (gambling industries) fleetGrossRegisteredTonnage (fleet gross registered tonnage)
Game (game) fleetSize (Fleet Size)
GameArtifact (game artifact) floorCode (floor code)
FloorLoan gameAttribute
GameAttribute (game attribute) floorLoan (floor loan)
GameBoard (game board) flowCurrent (flow current)
GameCall (game call) flows (flows)
GameDie (game die) follows (follow)
GameGoal (game goal) forall (forall)
GameIODevice (game I/O device) formOfAdaptation (form of adaptation)
GameIODeviceWithAccelerometer (game I/O device with accelerometer) format (format)
GamePad (game pad) formerName (former name)
GamePiece (game piece) freeFunctionRoomAmenity (free function room amenity)
GameReferee (game referee) freePropertyAmenity (free property amenity)
GameRoom (game room) freeRoomAmenity (free room amenity)
GameShot (game shot) frequency (frequency)
GameToyAndChildrensVehicleManufacturing (game toy and childrens vehicle manufacturing) friend (friend)
Gamete (gamete) fulfillingEntity (fulfilling entity)
GamkonoraLanguage (gamkonora language) fullName (full name)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners