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experimentalTreatmentCollection FloribbeanCuisine
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Flickering (flickering) evidence (evidence)
FlightReservation (flight reservation) exactCardinality (exact cardinality)
FlightSteward (flight steward) exactlyLocated (exactly located)
FlightTraining (flight training) exclusiveEvent (exclusive)
FloatingRibBone (floating rib bone) executiveBranch (executive branch)
Flooding (flooding) exhaustiveAttribute (exhaustive attribute)
Floor (floor) exhaustiveDecomposition (exhaustive decomposition)
FloorCoveringStores (floor covering stores) exists (exists)
FloorFn (floor) expects (expects)
FloorLayingAndOtherFloorContractors (floor laying and other floor contractors) experiencer (experiencer)
FloorOfIntertubercularGrooveOfHumerus (FloorOfIntertubercularGrooveOfHumerus) experimentID (experiment identifier string)
FloppyDisk (floppy disk) experimentUpdate (live experiment update)
FloppyDiskDrive (floppy disk drive) experimentalControl (experimental control)
FloralFlavour (floral flavour) experimentalControlProcess (experimental control (process))
FlorentineCuisine (Florentine Cuisine) experimentalSubject (experimental subject)
ExperimentalTreatmentCollection floribbeanCuisine
FloribbeanCuisine (Floribbean Cuisine) experimentalTreatmentCollection (experimental treatment)
FloricultureProduction (floriculture production) experimentalVariableProcess (experimental variable (process))
FloridaUnitedStates (Florida) experimenter (experimental subject)
FloridianCuisine (Floridian Cuisine) exploits (exploits)
Florists (florists) exportCommodityType (export commodity type)
Flour (flour) exportCommodityTypeByRank (export commodity type by rank)
FlourMilling (flour milling) exportPartner (export partner)
FlourMillingAndMaltManufacturing (flour milling and malt manufacturing) exportPartnerByFraction (export partner by fraction)
FlourMixesAndDoughManufacturingFromPurchasedFlour (flour mixes and dough manufacturing from purchased flour) exportPartnerByFractionInPeriod (export partner by fraction in period)
FlowFn (flow) exportPartnerByRank (export partner by rank)
FlowRegion (flow region) exportPartnerByRankInPeriod (export partner by rank in period)
FlowRegionFn (flow region) exportPartnerInPeriod (export partner in period)
Flower (flower) exportTotalInPeriod (export total in period)
FlowerNurseryStockAndFloristsSuppliesWholesalers (flower nursery stock and florists supplies wholesalers) expressedInLanguage (expressed in language)
FloweringPlant (flowering plant) extensionFn (extensionFn)
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