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criticalityLevel Diakon
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DeviceOpen (device open) copy (copy)
DevicePowerSupply (device power supply) coreBodyTemp (coreBodyTemp)
DeviceStateAttribute (device state attribute) corkageFee (corkage fee)
DhahranSaudiArabia (dhahran saudi arabia) counselInCase (counsel in case)
DhakaBangladesh (dhaka bangladesh) couponInterest (coupon interest)
DhegihaLanguage (dhegiha language) courseWRTCompassNorth (courseWRT compass north)
DhivehiLanguage (Dhivehi language) courseWRTMagneticNorth (courseWRT magnetic north)
DhuAlHijjah (dhu al hijjah) courseWRTTrueNorth (courseWRT true north)
Diabetes (diabetes) cousin (cousin)
DiabetesGestational (DiabetesGestational) covers (covers)
DiabetesType1 (type 1 diabetes) coworker (coworker)
DiabetesType2 (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) creator (creator)
Diacetoxyscirpenol (diacetoxyscirpenol) creditLimit (credit limit)
DiagnosticImagingCenters (diagnostic imaging centers) creditRanking (credit ranking)
DiagnosticProcess (diagnostic process) creditsPerPeriod (credits per period)
CriticalityLevel diakon
Diakon (diakon) criticalityLevel (criticality level)
DialoguePartner (dialogue partner) crossFunctionalTeamFocus (BinaryPredicate)
Dialysis (dialysis) crosses (crosses)
Diameter (Diameter) currencyCode (currency code)
DiameterFn (diameter) currencyExchangePerUSDollar (currency exchange perUS dollar)
Diamond (diamond) currencyExchangeRate (currency exchange rate)
DiaphragmMuscle (diaphragm muscle) currencyExchangeRateInPeriod (currency exchange rate in period)
Diarrhea (diarrhea) currencyType (currency type)
Diarrhoea (Diarrhoea) currencyValue (currency value)
Diazepam (diazepam) currentAccountBalance (current account balance)
Dictatorship (dictatorship) currentInterestRate (current interest rate)
Dictionary (dictionary) customer (customer)
DieCutPaperAndPaperboardOfficeSuppliesManufacturing (die cut paper and paperboard office supplies manufacturing) customerRepresentative (customer representative)
DieselEngine (diesel engine) customerValue (customer value)
DieselFuel (diesel fuel) cylinderBore (cylinder bore)
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