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DanceCompanies (dance companies) chanceryMailingAddressInArea (chancery mailing address in area)
DanceHall (dance hall) chanceryTelephoneNumberInArea (chancery telephone number in area)
Dancer (dancer) changesLocation (changes location)
Dancing (dancing) checkAccount (check account)
DangDistrictNepal (dang district nepal) checkInTime (check-in time)
DangauraTharuLanguage (dangaura tharu language) checkNumber (check number)
Dangerous (dangerous) checkOutTime (check-out time)
DanishBokmalLanguage (danish bokmal language) chiefOfDiplomaticMission (chief of diplomatic mission)
DanishCuisine (Danish Cuisine) chiefOfState (chief of state)
DanishGroupLanguage (danish group language) chiefOfStateType (chief of state type)
DanishKrone (danish krone) chromosomeNumber (chromosome number)
DanishLanguage (danish language) chromosomeSetCount (chromosome set count)
DanishSignLanguage (danish sign language) circumfrence (circumfrence)
DanishSwedishLanguage (danish swedish language) citizen (citizen)
DarEsSalaAmTanzania (dar es sala am tanzania) claimedTerritory (claimed territory)
Classmate dardicLanguage
DardicLanguage (dardic language) classmate (classmate)
DariLanguage (dari language) climateTypeInArea (climate type in area)
DarkRoast (dark roast) closedOn (closed on)
Darts (darts) closingPrice (closing price)
DartsPlayer (darts player) cloudCoverFraction (cloud cover fraction)
DarvazTajikistan (darvaz tajikistan) coaches (coaches)
DarwaziLanguage (darwazi language) codeMapping (code mapping)
DataCompression (data compression) coding (coding)
DataDisplayDevice (data display device) cohabitant (cohabitant)
DataEntry (data entry) coilCount (coil count)
DataProcessingServices (data processing services) coldSeasonInArea (cold season in area)
DataSaving (data saving) colleague (colleague)
DataSink (data sink) collectRate (collect rate)
DataStorageDevice (data storage device) colocatedAgent (colocated business)
DataTransfer (data transfer) color (color)
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