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currentInterestRate ComputerReport
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ComputerMenu (computer menu) coworker (coworker)
ComputerMenuItem (computer menu item) creator (creator)
ComputerMicrophone (computer microphone) creditLimit (credit limit)
ComputerMouse (computer mouse) creditRanking (credit ranking)
ComputerNetwork (computer network) creditsPerPeriod (credits per period)
ComputerOutputDevice (computer output device) criticalityLevel (criticality level)
ComputerPassword (computer password) crossFunctionalTeamFocus (BinaryPredicate)
ComputerPath (computer path) crosses (crosses)
ComputerPathAttribute (computer path attribute) currencyCode (currency code)
ComputerPlug (computer plug) currencyExchangePerUSDollar (currency exchange perUS dollar)
ComputerPort (Computer Port) currencyExchangeRate (currency exchange rate)
ComputerProcess (computer process) currencyExchangeRateInPeriod (currency exchange rate in period)
ComputerProgram (computer program) currencyType (currency type)
ComputerProgramming (computer programming) currencyValue (currency value)
ComputerProtocol (computer protocol) currentAccountBalance (current account balance)
CurrentInterestRate computerReport
ComputerReport (computer report) currentInterestRate (current interest rate)
ComputerResource (computer resource) customer (customer)
ComputerResponse (computer response) customerRepresentative (customer representative)
ComputerScience (computer science) customerValue (customer value)
ComputerScientist (computer scientist) cylinderBore (cylinder bore)
ComputerScreen (computer screen) cz (cz)
ComputerStatus (computer status) dailyLimit (daily limit)
ComputerStorageDeviceManufacturing (computer storage device manufacturing) dampingRatio (damping ratio)
ComputerSystem (computer system) dataID (dataID)
ComputerSystemsDesignAndRelatedServices (computer systems design and related services) dataProcessed (data processed)
ComputerSystemsDesignServices (computer systems design services) dataStreamSlack (data stream slack)
ComputerTask (computer task) date (date)
ComputerTerminal (computer terminal) dateDissolved (date dissolved)
ComputerTerminalManufacturing (computer terminal manufacturing) dateEstablished (date established)
ComputerTouchpad (computer touchpad) dateOfStatement (date of statement)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners