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comment ColdFront
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CoffeePlant (coffee plant) closingPrice (closing price)
CoffeeRoastAttribute (coffee roast attribute) cloudCoverFraction (cloud cover fraction)
CoffeeRobusta (coffee robusta) coaches (coaches)
Coffeeshop (coffee shop) codeMapping (code mapping)
Coffin (coffin) coding (coding)
CognitiveAgent (cognitive agent) cohabitant (cohabitant)
CoimbatoreIndia (coimbatore india) coilCount (coil count)
CoinOperated (coin operated) coldSeasonInArea (cold season in area)
CoinOperatedLaundriesAndDrycleaners (coin operated laundries and drycleaners) colleague (colleague)
Cointreau (Cointreau) collectRate (collect rate)
Colander (colander) colocatedAgent (colocated business)
ColdBloodedVertebrate (cold blooded vertebrate) color (color)
ColdBrewingCoffee (cold brew coffee) commandLineArguments (command line arguments)
ColdClimateZone (cold climate zone) commandRankOfEchelon (command rank of echelon)
ColdDampClimateZone (cold damp climate zone) commemoratesDate (commemorates date)
Comment coldFront
ColdFront (cold front) comment (comment)
ColdTemperature (cold) commentator (commentator)
Collage (collage) communicationSatelliteForArea (communication satellite for area)
Collar (collar) comparativeArea (comparative area)
Collateral (collateral) compensationPackage (compensation package)
Collectible (Collectible) completelyFills (completely fills)
Collection (collection) complexity (complexity)
CollectionAgencies (collection agencies) component (component)
Collector (collector) componentDataID (component data ID)
College (college) composer (composer)
CollegeChapel (college chapel) compoundInterest (compound interest)
CollegeFreshman (college freshman) compressionRatio (compression ratio)
CollegeJunior (college junior) computerResponseTo (computer response to)
CollegeSenior (college senior) computerRunning (computer running)
CollegeSophomore (college sophomore) concentration (concentration)
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