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capitalExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod CentralAfricanRepublic
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CellulosicOrganicFiberManufacturing (cellulosic organic fiber manufacturing) businessUnit (business unit)
CelsiusDegree (celsius degree) buyingPowerAmount (buying power amount)
CelticEthnicity (celtic ethnicity) buys (buys)
CelticLanguage (celtic language) caliber (caliber)
Cement (cement) callDate (call date)
CementAndConcreteProductManufacturing (cement and concrete product manufacturing) canRunOn (can run on)
CementCarrierShip (cement carrier ship) candidateForPosition (candidate for position)
CementManufacturing (cement manufacturing) canonicalPlaceName (canonical place name)
CemeteriesAndCrematories (cemeteries and crematories) capability (capability)
Cemetery (cemetery) capabilityDuring (capable during)
CenteneCorporation (Centene Corporation) capableAtLocation (capable at location)
CenterOfCircleFn (center of circle) capacity (capacity)
Centimeter (centimeter) capacityByArrangement (capacity by arrangement)
CentralAfrica (central africa) capitalCity (capital city)
CentralAfricanCuisine (Central African Cuisine) capitalExpendituresOfArea (capital expenditures of area)
CapitalExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod centralAfricanRepublic
CentralAfricanRepublic (central african republic) capitalExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod (capital expenditures of area in period)
CentralAfricanRepublicFranc (central african republic franc) cardAccount (card account)
CentralAfricanStatesDevelopmentBank (central african states development bank) cardCode (card code)
CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration (central american bank for economic integration) cardinality (cardinality)
CentralAmericanCommonMarket (central american common market) cargo (cargo)
CentralAmericanCuisine (Central American Cuisine) cargoType (cargo type)
CentralAndSouthNewGuineaKutubanLanguage (central and south new guinea kutuban language) carrierFrequency (carrier frequency)
CentralAndSouthNewGuineaLanguage (central and south new guinea language) carries (carries)
CentralAndWesternMainSectionTransNewGuineaLanguage (central and western main section trans new guinea language) catalogItem (catalog item)
CentralAsia (central asia) catalyst (catalyst)
CentralAsianCuisine (central asian cuisine) categoryID (category identifier string)
CentralAsianTurkishEthnicity (central asian turkish ethnicity) categoryOf (category of)
CentralAymaraLanguage (central aymara language) causes (causes)
CentralBirdsHeadLanguage (central birds head language) causesProposition (causes proposition)
CentralEurope (central europe) causesSubclass (causes subclass)
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