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breathingRate BritishSeagullCorp
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Bridge (bridge) biochemicalAgentDelivery (biochemical agent delivery)
BridgeAndTunnelConstruction (bridge and tunnel construction) biochemicalAgentSyndrome (biochemical agent syndrome)
BridgeLoan (bridge loan) bioindicatorForHabitat (bioindicator for habitat)
BridgeSinglePhaseRectifier (bridge single phase rectifier) biologicalAgentCarrier (biological agent carrier)
Brie (brie) birthTime (birthTime)
Brigade (brigade) birthdate (birth date)
BrigadierGeneral (brigadier general) birthday (birthday)
Brine (brine) birthplace (birthplace)
BringingGEToFront (bringing GE to front) bloodVolume (bloodVolume)
BritishCrownColony (british crown colony) bodyAngle (body angle)
BritishCuisine (British Cuisine) boilingPoint (boiling point)
BritishIndianOceanTerritory (british indian ocean territory) bondRating (bond rating)
BritishMotorCorp (British Motors) borrower (borrower)
BritishPound (british pound) bottom (bottom)
BritishPoundCoin (british pound coin) brandIcon (brand icon)
BreathingRate britishSeagullCorp
BritishSeagullCorp (British Seagull corp) breathingRate (breathingRate)
BritishSignLanguage (british sign language) broker (broker)
BritishThermalUnit (british thermal unit) brother (brother)
BritishVirginIslands (british virgin islands) browserID (browser identifier string)
BrittanyCuisine (Brittany Cuisine) burialplace (burialplace)
BroadGauge (broad gauge) burnInPeriod (burn-in period)
BroadGaugeRailway (broad gauge railway) businessHours (business hours)
BroadcastNetwork (broadcast network) businessUnit (business unit)
BroadcastProgram (broadcast program) buyingPowerAmount (buying power amount)
Broadcasting (broadcasting) buys (buys)
BroadcastingAndTelecommunications (broadcasting and telecommunications) caliber (caliber)
BroadcastingStation (broadcasting station) callDate (call date)
BroadwovenFabricFinishingMills (broadwoven fabric finishing mills) canRunOn (can run on)
BroadwovenFabricMills (broadwoven fabric mills) candidateForPosition (candidate for position)
Broccoli (broccoli) canonicalPlaceName (canonical place name)
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