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commandRankOfEchelon BinaryRelation
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BidyaWestBank (bidya west bank) climateTypeInArea (climate type in area)
BigBandMusic (big band music) closedOn (closed on)
BigSeven (big seven) closingPrice (closing price)
BigSix (big six) cloudCoverFraction (cloud cover fraction)
BihariLanguage (Bihari language) coaches (coaches)
BilbaoSpain (bilbao spain) codeMapping (code mapping)
Bilberry (Bilberry) coding (coding)
Bile (bile) cohabitant (cohabitant)
BillabonaSpain (billabona spain) coilCount (coil count)
BiloxiLanguage (biloxi language) coldSeasonInArea (cold season in area)
BiloxiOfoLanguage (biloxi ofo language) colleague (colleague)
BimetalTemperatureSensor (bi-metal temperature sensor) collectRate (collect rate)
BinaryFunction (binary function) colocatedAgent (colocated business)
BinaryNumber (binary number) color (color)
BinaryPredicate (binary predicate) commandLineArguments (command line arguments)
CommandRankOfEchelon binaryRelation
BinaryRelation (binary relation) commandRankOfEchelon (command rank of echelon)
BinaryRelationExtendedToQuantities (binary relation extended to quantities) commemoratesDate (commemorates date)
BinyaminaIsrael (binyamina israel) comment (comment)
BioNTech (BioNTech) commentator (commentator)
BiochemicalAgent (biochemical agent) communicationSatelliteForArea (communication satellite for area)
BiochemicalAttack (biochemical attack) comparativeArea (comparative area)
BiochemicalWeapon (biochemical weapon) compensationPackage (compensation package)
Biochemistry (biochemistry) completelyFills (completely fills)
BiodiversityAttribute (biodiversity attribute) complexity (complexity)
BiodiversityConvention (biodiversity convention) component (component)
BiodiversityIssue (biodiversity issue) componentDataID (component data ID)
Biography (biography) composer (composer)
BiologicalAgent (biological agent) compoundInterest (compound interest)
BiologicalAttribute (biological attribute) compressionRatio (compression ratio)
BiologicalConception (biological conception) computerResponseTo (computer response to)
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