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ZygomaticMajorMuscle AppleAppStore
previous 25
ApartmentUnit (apartment unit) weddingAnniversary (weddingAnniversary)
Ape (ape) weddingdate (weddingdate)
Aperitif (aperitif) weight (weight)
ApexOfTongue (ApexOfTongue) width (width)
Apiculture (apiculture) wife (wife)
Apologizing (apologizing) windDrivenMotion (wind driven motion)
ApostolicChurch (Apostolic church) windRelativePosition (wind relative position)
ApostoliskChurch (Apostolisk church) witness (witness)
App (app) workAddress (work address)
ApparelAccessoriesAndOtherApparelManufacturing (apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing) workLocation (work location)
ApparelKnittingMills (apparel knitting mills) workPhoneNumber (work phone number)
ApparelManufacturing (apparel manufacturing) year (year)
ApparelPieceGoodsAndNotionsWholesalers (apparel piece goods and notions wholesalers) yearBuilt (year built)
AppealsCourt (appeals court) yearOfFounding (year of founding)
Apple (apple) yield (yield)
ZygomaticMajorMuscle appleAppStore
AppleAppStore (App store) yieldLevel (yield level)
AppleComputer (Apple Computer) ()
AppleComputerCorporation (Apple) ()
AppleDockPort (Apple DockPort) ()
AppleFaceTime (FaceTime) ()
AppleFairPlay (FairPlay) ()
AppleFastAppSwitcher (Apple Fast App Switcher) ()
AppleFindMy (Find My) ()
AppleGameCenter (game center) ()
AppleGarageBand (GarageBand) ()
AppleICloud (iCloud) ()
AppleID (Apple ID) ()
AppleILife (iLife) ()
AppleIMac (iMac) ()
AppleIMessages (iMessages) ()
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners